Do you like writing? Besides writing articles to drive business to your website or blog, there are other means to make additional income by writing.
For example, you can write brief articles for others.
Perhaps an article marketer filling another niche wants to outsource article writing.
You can write for him or her.
The World Wide Web is a global market.
There is a great demand for people to write copy for websites.
Look at several websites and critique the quality of the copy.
Note those sites that need improvement.
Contact them.
You'll usually find a 'contact us' page.
Sometimes you can make money quickly writing articles.
In this article, we'll cover ideas where you can make money by writing brief-length articles.
Keep reading to learn the latest 3 persuasive secrets to make money with quick article writing.
Contact web design and web development companies.
Sometimes they need writers to write content for their websites.
It's helpful if you have any marketing experience because many of these sites need help with marketing.
Advertising agencies often rely on writers to write brief articles to promote their customers businesses.
These are also places that oftentimes hire freelance writers to write brief ads so you can get quick money.
A little known writing job that is essential for catalog companies is writing catalog descriptions.
Get in touch with marketing directors at companies that sell items through catalogs.
Offer your services and this might be another way that you can write some articles or product description copy to earn some extra money.
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