Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Do You Overpronate? How To Cope With Overpronation When Running

To most runners, choosing the right running shoes can be a though decision to make. This difficulty is due to the variety of brands and models available in the market, and the shoe should also fit the runner's foot type; it's why the expensive shoe is no always the best option for many. Runners who overpronate need special shoes that fit their unique condition.

What is overpronation?

First you need to learn what is pronation? Pronation is a normal part of the running process; it happens when the foot hits the ground as the weight gets shifted to the front of the foot and you push off from the toes. See! There is nothing wrong with pronation, but some runners overpronate. And running does not cause overpronation; it's the way it was made from the factory!

The overpronater runner faces many problems. This problem produces a lot of pressure on the lower leg, muscles and joints. This increases the likelihood of developing shin splints, hammertoe and other serious running injuries.

As a result, paying close attention to your own foot type can help eliminate the above problems and make your running program more enjoyable.

Do you overpronate?

Runners who overpronate usually are flat-footed. There are 3 foot types and the flat foot is of them. You can learn your own foot type by doing the wet foot test; just step in basin of water then step on a dry surface. What you will discover-usually if you are flat-footed-an imprint that shows almost your entire foot with little or no curving or arch.

Running shoes for overpronaters

If you overpronate, then you need shoes that can are designed to prevent this condition and help alleviate the risk of injury. This kind of shoes should satisfy these 2 conditions:

- You need motion control shoes. This feature decreases the amount of stress by helping your foot to rotate in a more efficient way when it strikes the ground. Always look for the word "motion control" on the description of the shoes.

- The second thing you need is stability shoes. When running, a flat foot needs as much stability as possible. Otherwise your running program will suffer a lot.

You may not have to follow the above guidelines verbatim, but it helps to think thoroughly before you decide on buying any running shoe. Overpronation is neither a blessing nor a curse, but you should take some measures to address your specific needs.

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