Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Ramadan – A Gift

The Prophet (SAWS) said, In the month of Ramadan; Allah (SWT) has given him something that no other Prophets was given before. In the first night of Ramadan; Allah can look at a servant and he will never go to Jahannam. The angels ask Allah to forgive our sins. Allah (SWT) tells Jannah to decorate itself and be ready for the servant. The odor from the mouth of a fasting person is most beloved to Allah (SWT) than the smell of any musk. Allah tells the angels "Look at my servant, he/she is trying to please Me; bear witness, I forgive his/her sins".

Do not recite the Quran as a routine; do not pray tarawih as a routine in life. Try to live the message, try to understand what Allah (SWT) wants from you. Why Allah wants you to pray Tarawih? Is it to gain extra reward only? Yes, we get a lot of reward but that is not the only purpose. It is to get closer to him, to wake up and to gain the knowledge of Quran. We might be alive during this Ramadan but what is the guarantee that we will reach the next Ramadan.

Once someone came to the Prophet and said so and so is an orphan, the Prophet (SAWS) said, "The one who does not have anyone is not an orphan. An orphan is the one who enters Ramadan and does not gain the Rahma (mercy) of Allah and His mercy in Ramadan". The month of Ramadan is about giving, spending, seclusion, oneness, unity. Elevate yourself to be for ALLAH (SWT), purify yourself from all the materialistic desires. Live for Akhirah. If you enter Ramadan with the right intentions you will increase your good manner, your Iman will be increased, your habits will be changed, and you will be a different person. Show Allah (SWT), you are ready to sacrifice, show Him your respect and want and desire for his blessings, forgiveness, His pleasure and Jannah. We want to detach from duniya and elevate our souls.

To summarize all; what I have said before, to generate the understanding and the purpose of different command and ritual in Ramadan (i.e prayer, extra Zikr (remembering Allah (SWT) reciting Qur'an, praying Tarawih, spending and of course fasting) the purpose of all this is purification and training yourself to be an 'abd, that is to be pure and elevate yourself from the animal level. Which is not to be running to fulfill the desire, but to elevate to the angel level, which is to be purely for Allah (SWT) with soul and body? This purpose is to benefit the individual and his/her diseases of the heart, such as greed, accumulation, stinginess, misery, loving oneself. The maximum purification and the solution for these sicknesses as mentioned above can be reached through generosity, sacrificing, the love to help others, sharing, short hope, and most of all; work to please Allah (SWT) and gain the hereafter. To show Allah (SWT) how much we are sincere in our journey of iman, how much we're willing to give up whatever we own, or we think we own in this life, to achieve His Pleasure and Generosity to us by Granting us His Rahma (Mercy) and the ultimate Paradise in the hereafter. And by achieving that as an individual, it generates the manner, the conduct of a quality, equality, and now I'm good to myself, good to others, benefit to myself, benefit to others in a family level, in a neighbor level, in a society level, and in a humanity level.

And all of the above will help to generate a just, kind, giving, person, which in a bigger picture generate a society and a nation with a beautiful quality and manner and a character, elevated, number 1 in the eyes of Allah (SWT), angels, mankind, and this will be the role model and the leader and the carrier of guidance to mankind. The individual will be purified and elevated to be ready for the great job, the greater job, the job of Messengers and Prophets, to help mankind to go to the Mercy of Allah (SWT), to believe and live and worship as a slave and servant of the Almighty in achieving Paradise and the Pleasure of Allah (SWT). And Allah (SWT) will Grant us His own Pleasure for infinity. Ameen.

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