Trading by computer using specific software is common and easy on the pocket as well.
Computers are the best medium for all kinds of trading, but particularly for day trading.
The systems works with two monitors connected to the same machine, and day traders can expand their trading screen across both the monitors.
Thus, the graphs and the market's data can be observed through the monitor and facilitate the day trader by cautioning him simultaneously.
Special software is used for day trading and is installed on all trading computers.
The day trader analyses the stocks and currencies and places for buying and selling.
The trading software is the most important tool for the day trader.
The software is popular and widely used all over the world.
Usually trading software is part of the deal that a broker offers clients as part of day trading deals.
When the brokerage account is open and is ready for day trading, currency trading is done using currencies trading software that comes in either standalone or Java versions.
The requirements for day trading are simple.
You need a good computer with a fast Internet connection.
Without a fast Internet connection, one cannot receive all the real time information that includes quotes, charts, transaction information, movement of stocks in the market, etc.
A 56 kbps, regular phone line modem is not ideal as an Internet connection.
If someone does not have a DSL or cable Internet service, one can simply trade at the broker's office.
The broker has a good set-up with high-speed Internet connectivity and good quality computers to assist with smooth operations.
It's highly unlikely to have a back up in order to support the online trading, but as a word of caution, one can look at back-up systems for emergency purposes.