So you have lost some or all of the weight that you wanted to. Now you have got to avoid these weight regain mistakes that are so common for dieters. There are a few thing that you must do to ensure the weight stays off. The first obvious thing is you must understand that high levels of exercise are a key element of keeping fat off and ensuring that you stay at your ideal body-weight.
When we lower our calorie intake we know that your body gets sluggish, you often don't feel like really exercising or if you do you really don't do it at the level that you should. So this means that you have to push yourself extra hard because your body will naturally want to slow down and conserve its energy levels. You will hit a plateau. A fat loss plateau, this is something that you don't hear about all that often.
This is why most of those diet plans show the people immediately after the weight loss. They don't show them a few months later—this is because a lot of people put the weight back on quickly. In fact the majority of them do.
So you say, "This is not going to happen to me; I won't make the same weight regain mistakes". But it is actually a natural occurrence in the body. Your body tricks you into thinking a number of different ways so it can keep the energy it has stored. It is a physiological response; the body thinks it is in starvation mode.
This is why people who think that diet alone is the answer for them are actually not generally going to make it long term in their weight loss goals. When you don't look at the results right after the weight loss, but instead look a year ahead, generally you will not be happy with the results at all.
The system that works long term, the system that ensures you wont make the same weight regain mistake is high exercise levels while feeding the muscle with high intake clean foods. This is much, much better than simply losing weight through starvation alone. Low calorie diets are generally not the answer, especially when there is no exercise being performed.
You have to eat to feed your muscles, but we are not talking about fast food at lunch and a heavy, fatty dinner. The right kinds of foods and the basics of good nutrition.
If the question is can you simply lose weight with diet alone, then yes. But if you don't want to be fighting that weight loss roller-coaster for your whole life then it is time to simply lose the weight the right way, while building a leaner, better body.
The bottom line is, weight loss the right way will trump temporary weight loss every time. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or telling you the temporary results. They will gain the weight back, but if you do it right you won't!
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