Sometimes I get the idea that there are as many diets in existence as there are overweight people. I know that this is a massive exaggeration but the point is that there are so many different diets claiming to have the solution to help you to lose weight []. It can become quite confusing. Which diet to you choose? Which diet type do you choose? There are low fat diets, no fat diets, low carb diets and the list goes on and on. Which is correct?
Why is it that most people that I know are on some form of modified diet and yet there are more obese people in America than at any point in its history. How does this happen? With the plethora of diets in circulation you would think that America would be losing weight not gaining weight. And why is it that we spend so much time trying to find the right diet? If you roam the aisles of your local bookstore you will find that the diet section is quite large. It is information overload. Yet with all of this information at our fingertips nothing seems to change. Some have defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Maybe it is time to try something new.
I have a bold statement to make. I don't think it matter what diet you use. By all means find one that you arre comfortable with. Don't choose one that is so hard to stick to that it assures your failure. As a matter of fact, I don't care if you diet. Eating reasonably and avoiding junk food is probably the only diet you need. Why? Because dieting by itself will not bring you success.
If you want to lose weight then you need to burn enough calories during the day to create a calorie deficit. And this calorie deficit is best created by exercising.
I doesn't necessarily matter what kind of exercise you do either; there are so many different options. You can jog, jump rope, walk briskly or row. You can perform body weight exercises such as pull-ups, push-ups, squats, burpees or jumping jacks. You can lift weights or pull sleds. You can play basketball. The options are endless. The point is that you need to do something.
It is time to take charge of your diet and fitness. Stop depending on the latest magic elixir or supplement to help shet the fat. Be honest with yourself, do you really think those things are going to work. The only thing they will make slimmer is your wallet. Diet fads and supplements have come and gone and the current crop will be no different. They will be off the scene in a few years only to be replaced by the next gimmick to relieve you of your hard earned money.
So what diets work? They all will work if you exercise and create a calorie deficit. Spend more time exercising than you do searching for the perfect diet. Don't wait for tomorrow. Begin your exercise program today.
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