Business & Finance Social Media

Service Unavailable!

I tried to log in...
but it was no good! I was getting antzy! Facebook was starting to upset me.
It turned out, the giant social media site was knocked out by a DNS failure.
Reports were pouring in from all over the world of intermittent problems facing log ins to Facebook.
Imagine, 500 million people trying to get their Facebook fix only to see a screen that said "Service Unavailable"! People were mad! How could a free service do such a thing to them? They depended on this technology that up until a few years ago wasn't there and now they couldn't live without it.
What would happen if you depended 100% on a service for your income? Sadly, some do! They put all their eggs in one basket! They have blind faith in a system that could fail.
And, when it does fail, they go into panic mode.
I've seen it countless times before...
Maybe you have too! eBay comes to mind! Many people jumped on that bandwagon! They sold trinkets and what-nots to make money...
then eBay raised fees...
the sellers that weren't prepared, left with their tales between their legs.
A few years ago when the real estate market was hot...
want to-be investors snatched up houses and commercial properties only to be in a pickle when the market crashed.
Or the lure of easy money with every new multi-level marketing scheme that hits the planet.
Many people especially "newly-minted" entrepreneurs seem to chase the market not really understanding it or crafting a message to profit from it.
Then when the method of delivery goes south they are left with a whole bunch of nothing to offer.
A seasoned entrepreneur knows the market and is able to use every resource at his/her disposal to craft a compelling message and profit from multiple channels of delivery.
Understand the market, then craft your message! Don't count on just one media to spread your message...
have systems in place to ensure your message is constantly being delivered.
Every channel of delivery is a tool! Know each one! Know it's strengths and weaknesses! Use those tools to maximize your income.
If one tool breaks, you still have plenty of tools left in your toolbox to replace it.

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