With 150 million users, it's the most popular site wherein you can grow your business at low cost.
Or perhaps, no cost at all! Facebook provides you an account for free in which you can have a page to create a Group of people that shares same interest, activities and likes, it's called Facebook Group.
Facebook Groups are online groups.
You can have at least 5,000 members and can easily communicate with them all because you can send messages directly to their Facebook inboxes.
With this type of communication, you can build relationship into personal level.
So I'm going to give you some tips to market your business using Facebook Group...
- Create an informative and impressive profile.
Include company info, website, emails and contact information that let's them know about your business and where to find you.
Your profile picture must portray what kind of business you are in, thus members or visitors can easily grasps what you're offering. - Create awareness for people to come back again and again to your site.
Post articles, audio, videos and links to blog posts.
In effect, you will keep them coming to your page. - Have a good and exciting activity on your discussion board.
- Offer free Teleseminars to boost member's participation and interest.
- Join groups or fanpages that attract your target market.
By joining, you will maximize the visibility of your group to other users. - Keep your page updated regularly and interact with your members.
Post to you wall and to your member's wall to give them reason to go to your page or even leading them to your website.
Be creative. - Send invitations for upcoming events or they also call as Facebook Events.
This could be a lecture, conference or new exhibit.
More likely, your members will refer to their friend to join your group. - Advertise.
Let your Facebook Group site be known to other Facebook users and add them as a friend in order to widen your network.
Just keep in mind to be creative and resourceful to keep them coming to your site...