Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

How to Print Your Own Fabric on a Printer

    • 1). Cut pieces of fabric and freezer paper slightly smaller than the largest size your ink jet printer can handle. Put the freezer paper aside for later.

    • 2). Place one piece of fabric in the baking pan, folding it to fit, if necessary. Pour the Bubble Jet Set liquid over the fabric. Continue to layer your fabric and liquid until you've used all of your fabric. Allow the fabric to soak for at least 20 minutes.

    • 3). Remove the fabric from the baking pan and pour the remaining liquid back in its bottle for future use. Lay the fabric pieces out flat to dry.

    • 4). Lightly press the dry fabric. Place the fabric against the waxed side of the freezer paper and press on medium to high heat. Make sure the fabric is firmly affixed to the freezer paper.

    • 5). Load the paper-backed fabric into your printer as you would a regular piece of paper and print your fabric. Use the highest-quality settings your printer allows for the best results.

    • 6). Let your fabric dry for 30 minutes or longer, then carefully peel the freezer paper away from the fabric.

    • 7). Mix one teaspoon of Bubble Jet Set Rinse into a sink full of cold water. Immerse your fabric in the rinse and pull straight out without shaking or wringing the fabric. Allow the fabric to dry once more.

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