Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Making Success Easy and Failure Hard

If you want to achieve a goal - any goal - you need to do as much as possible for its accomplishment.
One of the best things you can do is to make success easier, and failure more difficult.
The goal achievement process for maximizing the chances of success looks like this:
  1. Pick a goal that you really want.
  2. Make a quick action plan so you know the steps to achieve your goal.
  3. Start with the first step immediately.
  4. Take massive action and observe what's going on - both in your thoughts and behavior.
  5. Discover how you can make achieving the goal easier to accomplish, and take the appropriate measures.
  6. Discover how you can make it harder to fail your goal, and take the appropriate measures.
  7. Go back to 4 - and repeat until the goal is achieved.
The steps 5 and 6 can make or break your goal.
Done right, they can give you immense power and leverage.
They can make your goal much easier than you thought possible.
Here are some examples of making it harder to fail:
  • Watch too much TV? Turn the TV around to face the wall.
    Unplug it.
    Or just give it away!
  • Spend too much time on some website? Block it.
    Better yet, redirect that website to your own HTML file with list of your goals and the next action you need to take now.
    You can easily create this in any word processor.
  • Eat too much junk food? Throw away all junk food and make a committed decision that you won't buy it again.
    Also make a decision that you won't shop when hungry.
    If you fail and shop when hungry, don't buy the junk food.
    If you fail and do buy it, throw it in the thrash on your way home (I actually did that once).
    If you fail in that too, throw it in the trash later at home.
    If you fail in that too, then just don't eat it.
    Now you have to fail five times in a row to do the wrong thing.
    Before, all you had to do was to failonce and eat it.
    See the difference?
  • Check email too often? Make your email client forget the password so it forces you to manually retype it every time.
    Move the shortcut for the mail client into some obscure location.
  • Play too much PC games? Uninstall the games.
    Sell the DVDs.
    Cancel your accounts.
    Then - and I don't care what it takes - substitute the game playing with taking action towards your goals.
    If you love games, in what ways could make your goal and life a game?
  • Procrastinate too much? Write baby-steps for your top action.
    Work just 5 seconds on the first micro baby-step if you must.
    But take action - right now! It's ridiculous not to take a 5 second action.
    How hard is to procrastinate on that?
  • Sleep in instead of waking up early? Setup 3-5 different alarm clocks.
    Tell your lover to kick you out of the bed and take your blanket in the morning.
    (Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?)
  • Always forget that you want to do something important for you in the morning? Close your laptop and turn it upside down, so the next day, before you turn it on, you will remember: "A-ha, I want to do that thing first!" Or, place a chair in your way from the bedroom, to break your behavioral pattern of forgetting.
  • Eat at night? I would suggest locking the fridge, but most fridges can't be easily locked, and turning the fridge around is not very convenient either - but it would certainly interrupt the eating pattern.
And here are some examples of making it harder to fail:
  • Want to run each morning? Prepare your running gear before going to bed, so you see it immediately after waking up and can put it right on.
    Then go for a walk to enjoy the crisp morning air.
    Then run.
  • Want to go to the gym regularly? Hire a personal trainer.
    You won't be overwhelmed when you arrive at the gym and see 1000 machines.
    The personal trainer will tell you exactly what to do and how.
    He will adjust the machines and weight for you.
    Personal trainer has many other benefits too - for one, you will know you are doing the exercises right.
  • Want to finish your project? Schedule a time just for your project in which you can't be interrupted.
    Create an action plan with all the steps for finishing your project, so you always know the next step.
    Make sure that you always know the next step.
    Write it on paper and place beside your computer.
  • Want to eat light before going to bed? Make sure you always have an early satiating dinner - so you are not hungry later.
    Make sure you are not bored in the late evening, but fully engaged in something exciting.
  • Eliminate Distractions.
    Distractions can easily shift your focus to all the wrong places, thus ensuring you won't achieve your goals any time soon - or at all.
    Say "no" to distractions in your life.
    Simplify and unclutter your workspace.
    Simplify and unclutter your computer desktop - and disable all news notifications.
  • Eliminate commitments to irrelevant projects and people.
    You can do few things right or many things badly.
    Clean your plate.
    Unburden your load.
    Drop as much irrelevant commitments as possible.
    Decide that you will not do.
    Commitments that are not aligned with your goals are nothing but distraction factories.
  • Train focus.
    Focus alone can't save you - but it sure as hell helps.
    Focusing makes it harder to get distracted, helps you to avoid the mental burden of context switching, and increases the likelihood of finishing any action successfully from beginning to the very end.
  • Have a list of goals on your wall.
    We need to constantly re-focus.
    Every time you focus on your goals, it will push other distracting thoughts out of your mind (at least a little bit).
    Print your goals and post them on the wall.
    Read the list once or twice daily.
    I read mine after waking up, and before going to sleep.
As you can see, there are numerous ways of making your goals easier to achieve, and harder to fail.
Get creative in this area.
You will be surprised how much little things can matter in the long term.
By constantly making it easier to achieve your goals and harder to fail, you will tip the scales in your favor and be finally able to accomplish your goals and fulfill your dreams.

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