Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Tell If She"s Faking it - Signals She"s Not Reaching an Orgasm

We all look forward on getting a little intimate and make love with our girlfriends every once in a while.
Sex is a vital part of life and we all know that it's not the only reason why we do it - it's just so downright pleasurable, isn't it? Not to mention a great stress reliever, among anything else.
Now, we all have our preferences when it comes to different sexual positions, how long you would want it and other stuff, but have you ever wondered what your partner wants to? Do you know that women can have the tendency to fake it just so it wouldn't hurt your feelings? Making a woman orgasm is such a male achievement that it add up to our ego big time.
So to save yourself a few more of it, below are a few signals on how to tell is she's faking it - and how to improve yourself next time.
  • She's a little louder.
    That's right.
    It's possible.
    A woman who is way louder than usual may not be that satisfied at all - she's just trying to make you feel okay, that's all.
    This usually happens when she's not in the mood right in the beginning where you initiated sex.
    She may be tired or just not into it.
    Take time for foreplay - she might just come around.
  • She doesn't want to cuddle.
    Women have the tendency to reach out for a cuddle from you right after sex - it gives them a feeling of security and a possibility of round two with you.
    However, when she pulls away and seemed a little detached, she may have faked it and is now feeling tired and longs for a sleep - hey, that's usually what we do!
  • She engages you in a conversation.
    Usually, women who just have had one mind-blowing orgasm may be a little disoriented in the first few minutes - they will try to regain composure so they can engage you in a normal conversation.
    But if she automatically gets into it, there's a big chance she faked it - and is now feeling a little bad, craving for a little talk with you.
  • She jumps out of bed and into the bathroom.
    Unless she has OCD that is.
    But when a woman becomes a little too hyper right after the deed, there's possibility she's just started getting all fired up and have not gotten through the foreplay stage yet - and you're all lying there like a satisfied beast.
    Be a little sensitive with her needs as well - you both need it to build a much exciting sex life.
  • She sounds far away.
    She talks to you but she doesn't seem to be there.
    It sounds like she's lost in deep thought.
    Listen if she sounds flat or way tired - usually, a woman who's just had her orgasm will talk to you dreamily, like she's totally in love and satisfied or something.
    Otherwise, she's missed it.
Are you still having trouble uncovering the things women crave during sex? Do you want to know how to make her crave of you? Uncover more tips and techniques on how to tell if she's having an orgasm by visiting my website right now.
It holds all amazing methods on how to do it all! You're one click away from all the excitement.

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