If you are looking to add some style and compliment your overall housing design then check out what a fireplace can do for you.
Normal brick laid fireplaces will cost you thousands to install and take weeks to accomplish the task, but with an electric fireplace heater you can have that fireplace look up and running by the end of the day for a fraction of the cost.
Fireplace heaters can be as basic as an old time wooden stove looking design to a more modern mock brick laid fireplace design.
Generally the more ornate the design the more expensive it is going to be, but the price of an electric fireplace heater ranges from around seventy dollars to five hundred plus for the more advanced designs.
The benefits you receive from using them over a conventional brick laid fireplace is the lower cost, the more efficient electricity, and the fact that they are less dangerous.
With your in house laid brick fireplace you have to worry about purchasing wood, starting the fire, keeping the fire going, keeping the fire in the place so you don't catch your house on fire.
You are dealing with fire which can be dangerous if not properly controlled, but with electric fireplace heaters the only thing you have to worry about is your electricity bill.
With higher end models you will find more efficient running machines to give out more heat with less electricity.
So overall if you are looking for that warm comfort that a fireplace can provide, but don't want to break the bank then check out what an electric fireplace heater can do for you.