In India most of the honour killing ordered by so called Panchayat or informal court comprising members of a particular caste , which decide all matters concerning the honour. while most such crime go unrecorded the honour killing are on the rise India . There are several instance of groom or bride being killed by family members for marrying someone from so called same gotra or from other caste . To kill sake for honour sometime it may be the honour of family or caste or religion . As the concept of honour is generally link with purity chastity avail virginal attitudes of women and whenever a women got in any illicit relation it presumes that she loses her purity chastity or virginity and it is crime and for that she is liable for punishment . The killing of girl secure the paramount honour .
The stain of family comes from a variety of alleged offences such as allegationsĀ of premarital or extra marital sex , refushing arrange marriage .attempting to obtain a divorce from an abusive husband or simply talking innocently any man who is not a relative . As it with these things its only when the allegation become exposed andĀ public , this allegation are not in legal sense . It just needs a bunch of moronic people getting together and gossiping or somebody wanting to spread a rumour forget about fact of the case . In many cases just the allegation is enough to trigger this honour killing .
In India there are frequent reports about male members of familes killing the girls who had violated norms of caste marriage or contracting tabooed alliances like sabgotra marriage . Upholding honour is both an individual and community concern . In India the infulence of the Panchayat is so strong that educated class and state machinery fail to react in time to their dictate . While politician treat carefully while handling panchayat issue for fear of loosing thier vote bank .
A women chastity is the honour of the community and she has no sovereign right over her body . Retribution is swift and rutal and many live and die by these Kangroo courts .
Their should be strick measures to stop the rise of honour killing including of ban of decision of caste Panchayat that violate the India constitution , which has abolish caste and regard men and women equal.
It is the time for changing the law to allow courts to intervene in all crimes where violence comitted in the name of " Honour.
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