Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How and Why I Learned to Channel and What I Learned

I was an achiever who excelled in school and in business.
I was driven and successful and yet always felt there was something more.
I thought that something more was learning to manifest the life of my dreams and I tried very hard to use my subconscious mind to do just that but could never quite make it work.
So I gave up and worked harder...
right up until the age of 60 when the rug was pulled out from under me and my career was gone.
Oh well, I could retire and I did.
But I still had the feeling that somehow I could create something better.
I became interested in channeling.
At first I was interested in the specialness I saw in it.
I saw people channeling beings such as Abraham and Kryon and saw the channelers as special people chosen to bring new truths to the masses.
And much as I hate to admit it, I was attracted to the idea of specialness.
The more I explored, the more I was attracted.
One evening I was watching a YouTube video and heard about a book called Opening to Channel from which you could learn to channel a high level guide yourself.
I was hooked.
I followed the process in the book and wonder of all wonders I opened a channel to a high level guide who speaks uses my voice.
I am aware while this is happening but not in control.
As recommended in the book, I recorded my channel sessions.
In our first sloppy, fascinating channel session I heard these words "Call me Anthony" followed shortly by "I am you and you are me and together we are we.
" This wasn't some being or group of energetic beings.
I was connected to ME, the part of me that was not in my body, the part of me that knew why I was here and how it all worked.
On the third day Anthony told me "we want you to write this in a book.
" Whoa...
this wasn't what I had signed on for.
I wanted expansive information and I wanted fun but I didn't want to write a book.
Over time I was convinced.
Not only had Anthony been waiting for me to connect so that 'he' could help me remember the truth of who I am, the higher levels of all humanity are waiting to connect with the part of them living in a body on a planet.
My job is to encourage people to unblock their channel and to connect with their own truth.
The book will be out in 2014 but we can't wait to get started encouraging people and helping them to see that they really can open their own channel so I will be writing articles and spreading them as far and as wide as I can in the hopes of connecting with as many of my fellow humans as possible.
The articles will be on a topic of Anthony's choosing and I will try to make them fun.
I sincerely hope you join us.

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