Building a credit score takes time, but can be done easily.
The most important tip for someone looking at building a credit score is not to apply at every store or offer.
Many people believe if the are turned down by one company maybe another won't be as strict.
However, this is a mistake.
You need to look at reason why you were turned down.
If the reason for being declined due to lack of credit history and you decide to apply to another lender the reason will be the same.
The best way to build up a credit history is to apply for a department store card such as Dillard's or Target.
You will probably receive a low limit, probably $300 or less.
The next step is to buy something; clothes, DVD or shoes.
The next step and most important is not to pay off the balance when you receive your first bill.
Make the minimum payment and do not charge anything else.
Yes, there will be interest, but you're missing the point.
You want to show you can pay your bills on time for several months.
A common mistake I see someone make is the wrong assumption that by paying off the credit every month will build your credit score.
It just proved that you won't pay any interest.
However, the credit card company or store will not report anything since you did not carry a balance.
Most companies do not report every month on new credit cards.
Most won't report for the first three or four months.
So you want to carry a balance for at least four months to make sure they report your payment history.
Once that occurs you probably could apply for a major credit card since now you have a credit history.
When you are approved for a credit card it still won't be for more than couple hundred dollars since you still have a limited history.
Even if the offer says your "pre-approved for up to $2,5003 still doesn't guarantee an approval.
Building or re-building a credit history or payment history takes time.
Usually 3 months to 12 months of a good pay history.
The most obvious thing you want to do is make ALL your payments on time because this is how you will damage your credit score.
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