So now what? You've got this amazing website – but hardly anyone else knows about it. What's the best way to tell people? And, get them to visit, stay for a while, and keep them coming back as they continue to share and tell others about you and the work you're doing?
If these are questions you're asking yourself – you're certainly not alone.
There are approximately 100 million active blogs on the Internet. So what's unique about yours? What is it about your website that attracts the attention of your ideal client? And, what makes your website any different from all the other service-based businesses operating in your niche?
Here are five things you should consider as you develop, launch and continue to build a website that attracts, engages and eventually converts site visitors into raving paying clients.
1. Attract the RIGHT people
Trying to be all things to all people is not the best approach to business and will probably have you exhausted and penniless in no time.
Niching and defining your target market is vital and will ensure you continue to attract the attention of your ideal client – the people who you know you do your best work with, who will benefit from investing in you, and who are looking to solve their problems.
• What are the problems and issues your ideal client faces?
• Do they realise that they have a problem; and are they willing to spend money in order to overcome their issues? [There's no use targeting a niche market that is renowned for NOT investing in themselves.]
• What are the typical words and phrases they use to describe their problems? Make sure you weave these into your content and blog posts.
2. Create a memorable brand
There may be hundreds of other service providers offering similar services – so what makes you different? Why should people coming to your website choose to invest in your services and not one of your competitors?
Taking the time to build a powerful and authentic brand that instantly connects with your ideal client is vital. This is what is going to set you apart from your competitors. And, better yet – no one will be able to copy you, no matter how hard they try because your brand is unique and authentically ‘you'.
Remember a strong personal brand is just that – personal. It's the essence of ‘you'. So here are some questions to start uncovering your brand that is authentic and real, and will be the basis upon which you'll continue to develop your brand voice.
• What are the strengths and talents people are constantly complimenting you on?
• Identify some of your unique quirks or characteristics that continue to shine through in all that you do.
• When looking back on some of your successes (or how you were able to overcome a challenge), what were the skills and strengths you used in order to achieve that success?
3. Create your irresistible free offer
It is highly unlikely that people visiting your site for the very first time will purchase anything. In fact marketing specialists believe that it can take between 7 to 9 communications from you before someone will even consider opening their wallet.
This is where your keep-in-touch strategy comes in, whether it be a regular newsletter or regular posts via your social networks. In order to continue connecting with people, you will need their email addresses or be connected with them through their social networks. Here's a way you can get their contact details.
• Develop a resource (i.e. free report or ecourse etc) – something that is of interest and real value to people and encourages them to provide you with their email address in exchange for access to the resource you offer.
• Make sure your social network links are easily located and encourage people to connect with you. And, remember to continue providing interesting and informative information so that people will want to remain connected with you.
4. Create compelling content
Not only is it important to build a memorable brand – it's also important to build your reputation and credibility as a specialist in your field. You want to become known as ‘the go-to' person in your area of expertise.
The way to do that is to create compelling content that confirms you are skilled in your field and encourages people to come back to your website because they want to learn more from you.
• Write regular posts and articles on hints and tips that you know is of interest to your ideal client.
• Make sure that each post is pleasing to the eye by incorporating attention-grabbing pictures
• Keep your language simple, clear and conversational and avoid using jargon.
5. Engage your audience+
I don't know about you – but I dislike being lectured to and will often switch off if the information is too technical or difficult to read.
So will people visiting your website so ensure the information you share and the approach in which you share it, engages your audience.
• Try incorporating other elements besides just the written word that engages various communications styles such as video and audio.
• Use plenty of stories and examples so people can connect with what you are talking about.
• Ensure you include a call to action that invites contributions from your audience. Ask them for their thoughts and feedback on what you have just written or ask them to share their own experience.
As you can see, building and launching your website is only a small step in your overall marketing and communications plan. It takes ongoing planning and action to ensure your site visitors not only visit your website but keep coming back and remain in your circle of influence. This way they continue to experience ‘you' and hear your brand voice, so that when they're ready the person who they'll invest in – is you.
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