- 1). Lay the nylon netting on a flat surface.
- 2). Measure three strips that are 6 inches wide by 72 inches long. Cut the strips out of the netting.
- 3). Stack the strips evenly on top of one another.
- 4). Thread the needle with approximately 80 inches of dental floss or nylon thread.
- 5). Sew down the middle of the stacked strips lengthwise. Use an in-and-out motion to create long basting stitches. Leave about 3 inches of thread hanging from the end where you starting stitching.
- 6). Grasp both ends of the thread in your non-dominant hand when it is stitched down the entire length.
- 7). Pull the nylon netting together with your dominant hand. This forms a tight ball of net.
- 8). Wrap the ends of the thread or dental floss tightly around the middle of the ball.
- 9). Tie the thread into a secure double knot.
- 10
Cut the thread ends near the middle of the ball. - 11
Tie a piece of thin nylon rope or washable cording tightly around the middle section of the pouf ball. Form a loop by tying the two ends together. This enables you to hang it up in the shower.