Even though toenail fungus raises all kinds of unpleasant images, it is a serious infection that should be treated immediately. Still, this is a condition affecting millions of people in many countries. Since this is a fungus infection that has gone out of contro, it must be taken seriously and treated. Failing to administer treatment to toenail fungus will result in a lot more problems including nail loss. This fungus also can occur in your fingernails, although it typically appears in toenails. The strain of fungus involved in this condition has a better habitat in toenails due to the limited light conditions and the moisture. Toenail fungus also needs to be treated because it is communicable not only to other people but can spread out in your body.
You can see when it starts growing because the infected nail is going to have little spots that have a different color to it. In the beginning you may believe your toenails merely have to be cleaned because of the discoloring. A telltale giveaway with it, though, is those spots cannot be removed. That inability to clean the discolored nail is something to keep in mind. You can clean and scrape but the discolored look of the nail does not go away. As the infection grows, then the toenail could turn entirely black or brownish in color. You can rapidly stop this fungus with a medication that's available at the store, or perhaps have your doctor take care of the infection.
With the development of this condition, the nail will soon begin to show other signs of infection. You will find different kinds of symptoms as things get worse, and there are those who experience serious nail thinning. But, in true variability with signs, a few people are going to develop thicker nails instead of thinner nails. Other symptoms of advancing problems include flaking, cracking, and easily damaged nails. The outcome will be loss of the nail entirely with severe cases. All the while, because of the presence and growth of fungus, you will detect a foul scent.
Regrettably there is a pain factor related to toenail fungus, and the more serious it becomes the more pain there is. This type of fungus actually develops on the nail bed, and that is why the first symptoms are observed beneath the nail. What takes place is the fungus starts metabolizing the nail because it is eating the keratin protein found in the toenaail. It's possible that toenail fungus could grow in lighter environments, like fingernails, but it does best underneath toenails due to the lower light. Some of the more common causes of it can be bad nail hygiene or even always wearing shoes that are too tight. The best growth conditions can occur resulting to a skin pH that is outside of what is typical.
You can generally stop toenail fungus from forming in the first place by practicing good hygiene and nail care. Since the fungus is a contagious condition, you need to be careful in places such as public saunas and steam rooms at fitness clubs and similar places. But you can easily and quickly take drugs orally or apply it directly to the infected nail.
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