Health & Medical Men's Health

Is Your Erection Less Than 6 Inches And Do You Ejaculate Too Quickly? Here"s What To Do To Fix Both

Come on, admit it, if your erection is less than 6 inches right now and if you find yourself ejaculating during intercourse way too fast, this is something that is bothersome...
to say the least! Am I right? If this is bothering you, then don't worry, there are solutions available that will help fix both of those issues naturally, easily, quickly, and permanently.
And no, I'm not talking about taking some pills, using some tools on your manhood that will do nothing but cause side-effects or pain, or doing anything else that is dangerous and unnatural.
If you want to know what works best to fix both of those very common issues most men have, then read on to learn more...
Step One - Know What It Is You Should Stay Away From FIRST...
What I'm about to tell you is something that I unfortunately did not have the benefit of knowing before I got started with male enhancement.
So please, take this information very seriously.
Getting a bigger penis is something you have to take serious.
And that's because of the sensitive nature of a man's manhood.
Because of the sensitive nature of the penis, a very high percentage of men suffer from diseases, pain, and severe side-effects by opting for unnatural and dangerous methods for increasing one's size.
Therefore, I STRONGLY suggest you avoid going with any method out there that is unnatural.
This includes using tools, taking pills, and having surgery done.
Sure those methods are popular, but they are also popular for not producing any REAL results, they come with side-effects, they cause pain, and if you do in fact gain some type of growth, the results don't last permanently (except for surgery on this list).
Step Two - Know What It Takes To Grow Bigger And Stop Ejaculating Too Fast...
To get a bigger penis, there are number of things that need to happen.
Not one, not two, but a number of things.
And that is one of the biggest reasons why a lot of those enlargement methods do not work...
they don't take care of EVERYTHING necessary for improving a man's penis! Now, to enlarge your size, you have to naturally expand your penile chambers by gently causing cell regeneration with your chambers, you have to naturally lengthen your suspensory ligament, you have to cause an increase of blood flow into your penile chambers, and you have to naturally strengthen your PC muscle.
ALL of those things must be done in order to have the perfect manhood.
What is the perfect manhood? Perfect means you have amazing length (7-9 inches), you have thickness to your erection (which by the way women REALLY value most during intercourse due to a thicker penis stimulating the walls of her vagina), you have a rock-hard erection, and you have an attractive looking erection (large penis head, veins, straight and not curved, etc.
Now, to stop ejaculating too fast, it comes down to taking care of one of the things I mentioned above for growing your penis bigger.
And that would be strengthening your PC muscle (PC is short for pubococcygeus).
This muscle is located between your anus and scrotum.
To know where it is, the next time you go to the bathroom, try to stop your urine flow, the muscle that is doing this is your PC muscle.
Step Three - Know What Works Best To Increase Size And Stop Ejaculating So Quickly...
Should you take pills? Nope.
Should you get hypnosis? Nope.
Do you use some type of tool? Nope.
Do you spin around 5 times and then drink some magic juice? Nope! Here's what to do...
100% naturally...
For increasing your size, I recommend doing jelqing exercises.
To stop ejaculating too fast, I recommend doing kegel exercises.
Jelqing exercises are basically massaging and stretching routines that stimulate growth with your penile shaft and help speed up blood flow.
Kegel exercises are exercises that will strengthen your PC muscle.
The basic jelqing exercise is done by forming an O.
sign with your hand and placing it at the base of your penis, then slowly move your hand toward the tip of your penis, and then release.
Complete about 20 reps for a basic jelqing workout.
The basic kegel exercise is pretty simple.
All you need to do is tense your PC muscle 20-25 times slowly for a basic kegel workout.
Those 2 workouts are the beginner workouts to help in enlarging your manhood, stopping premature ejaculation, and improving your overall manhood health.
To get the full benefits of penis exercises, it's best to download a reputable penis exercise program that contains several different variations of those workouts.
With the different variations, you will be able to significantly add size to your manhood (I was able to gain an extra 2 inches to my size with doing penis exercises), last VERY long during intercourse, have explosive orgasms, and more.

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