David Spade Says NO! for Capital One
The Good
Anything beats those annoying Capital One warrior commercials.
The Bad
It's hard to take Capital One seriously when its commercials seem so juvenile. You either love the ads or you despise them. There's no tuning them out. A USAToday.com poll shows 12-percent of respondents like the ads a lot while 30-percent of respondents dislike the ads altogether.
The Ugly
Ad agency McCann-Erickson created the ads featuring Spade. Capital One says the campaign has been a big success. However, the credit card company fired the agency, hired DDB Chicago and will continue with commercials featuring Spade and Nate Torrence, the chubby do-gooder now co-starring in the ads.
Destiny's Child Shops at Wal-Mart
The Good
Wal-Mart made a point of stressing the importance of family and friends during the holidays. That's still a plus when you think back at the commercials just being cutesy with roller skaters, fluffy dogs and choreographed dancers to sell a sweater.
The Bad
It's a huge stretch to picture Beyonce Knowles strolling up the electronics aisle at Wal-Mart.The Garth Brooks commercial: believable. Destiny's Child: Not so much.
The Ugly
Commercials featuring Martina McBride, Garth Brooks, Destiny's Child, Jesse McCartney and Queen Latifah were all part of Wal-Mart's holiday commercial campaign that kicked off before Thanksgiving. But the "Home for the Holidays" campaign caused some people to threaten a boycott for not using "Christmas" in its promotions.
Dennis Miller Hawks Netzero
The Good
Netzero has gained a lot of exposure using Dennis Miller as its pitchman.
The Bad
Another SNL alum reduced to hawking a service.
The Ugly
Some consumers say the tone Miller takes in the commercials makes them feel like they're idiots and wonder if the comedian even knows what the Internet is.