Let's begin with an example.
You are sitting in a movie theater.
You are enjoying the movie.
Then, the credits begin rolling across the screen and that is your signal to get up and leave.
They are the announcement that the movie itself is over and that you can leave without missing anything.
Have you figured out yet what the brilliant idea is for guaranteeing that your readers will actually read your resource box? If not, let me be very clear by first presenting the wrong way.
Practically every one looks like this...
Bill Smith, Bestselling Author of the ABC XYZ book.
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com to get a free download explaining the entire process.
What's wrong with that? It's unfortunately exactly like in the movie theatre.
It's the announcement that the reader can stop reading, go away and not miss anything.
It's the clue to the reader that the article is over and a sell is coming.
So, what should you do? You should make your box "blend in" with the article.
Allow the reader to just keep reading without realizing that the article itself is over.
Here are my rules: Rule 1...
Do not begin your it with your name and credentials.
Rule 2...
Do begin it with the word "And,...
" so that readers will, by momentum, just keep reading.
When you follow these simple rules, you will dramatically increase the readership of the resource box, without the readers even realizing.
Also, remember that your name may well be interesting to you, but it may not be interesting to the reader unless you have some celebrity status.
Don't be so eager to tell your readers to go away.
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