After reading this article you will be familiar with Facebook groups and how they can propel your social web marketing when used correctly.
Groups in Facebook are a very flexible thing for people who market on the social web.
Essentially I will go through the three things you can use them for.
I will highlight the two things you must use them for and one optional.
That's mistake number one.
Facebook is 'group centric' social network, people love to join groups.
They will join groups out of pure curiosity.
Your group must be about value you can add to your group members.
No selling of your products or services here, in fact avoid mentioning or having pictures of your products or services.
This group is about adding value so must focus on the members as opposed to you.
The reason for this is because it sets you up as a Leader, this attracts people to you.
If they like you then they can go to your Fan Page (covered in the next article) to find out about your business.
This group is about establishing your social reputation, this is your social currency and is very precious so cultivate it.
Wait until you have 200 Friends then invite them all to the group at once.
After that invite every new Friend to your group in your Introductory Message.
Make sure there is a link to the group in the message.
Facebook will kindly attach the image for your group and the blurb at the bottom of the message.
I get about 20% - 30% opt-in at this stage.
Decide from the outset the group rules, and what you are offering and write them on the About section.
The main decisions to make are; will you allow members to post links to their sales landing pages? (no Sales Landing Pages allowed in my group and it says any member posting a link to anything other than a social network profile or Blog will be banned) will you allow members to post videos? (members are unable to in mine because some used it as a way to get round the no sales page link)can members post to the wall and begin topics?(they can do both in mine).
You decide your own rules but once you have then enforce them swiftly and consistently.
That way you set the tone and again increase your reputation as a Leader.
Decide how often you are going to post topics and stick to what you say.
If they are going to be on certain days say which days.
This is where you will get your new Friends from (as well as Twitter).
Befriend 5 people a day.
Use a 'cut and paste' message to make it easier.
In the message just say 'hi' their first name and the fact as you are both in the same XXXX group it would be good to connect.
You must name the group correctly where I have put XXXX.
Leave this out and your take up rate will plummet.
It's there so they can check you are a member which some people will want to.
When you get to 60 - 70 groups that should be enough.
Avoid 'group hopping', joining a group befriending all the members then leaving.
However if the group ends up being a 'dead group' no posts or member activity then leaving is legitimate.
Using this strategy you will soon get the 200 Friends you need to start your own.
200 Friends before starting your own is for one simple reason, people look at the number of Friends you have when deciding whether to join your Group.
I never join the Group of a Friend with less than 200 Friends because they have no social credentials yet.
Now here's the thing.
If you use a 'cut and paste' approach a pink warning box will pop up warning you the Facebook bots think you are 'spamming' and you can lose your account for it.
If you decide to go down this road tread gently.
Post 4 - 5 adverts each in a separate group that allows them and here's the key information, leave at least 5 minutes between each advert post.
It will take longer than you like but should (and I take no responsibility for the accuracy of this statement because Facebook changes its rules all the time) keep you under the 'spamming radar'.
My personal view - the risk is too high to do this on Facebook.
You can find plenty of free Ning type business social networks that encourage adverts and even give you a free business page just Google 'business social networks'.