What are free radicals? Simply put, a molecule with an electron missing in their chemical structure, that was created by oxidation, and if they get out of control will accelerate your aging process, as well as wreak havoc with your health.
Let's break it down some more. Our body is composed of different types of cells. These cells are each composed of molecules. Molecules are composed of one or more atoms. These atoms contain one or more elements joined together by chemical bonds. Each atom also is made up of a nucleus, neutron, protons and electrons.
Now the number of protons, which are positive charged particles, determines the number of electrons, which are negative charged particles. When everything is perfectly joined together or matched, you'll have maximum stability of the molecule, thus of the cell, thus of the body and your health.
Missing that electron, free radicals, in an effort to become whole again, seek out other chemical structures in our body where they can steal an electron, starting a change reaction causing damage to cell, in turn the body and your health.
Small controlled quantities of free radicals are helpful in metabolism and are actually part of the normal reactions in the body. In an ideal world, with no pollution, a perfect diet and no stress, their levels would be normal, not be a serious issue, and we would live to a ripe old age.
But that is not going to happen today. Instead we are subjected to pollution, second hand smoke, a lack of nutrition in our diets, artificial radiation, toxins in our food, and toxic chemicals everywhere, not to mention the overwhelming daily stress we must put up with. The result is the number of free radicals increase and everything is thrown out of balance within our bodies.
How can we minimize the damage caused?
- Do your best to avoid pollution, radiation and environmental chemicals.
- Do your best to avoid stress.
- Increase the elimination of cells damaged by free radicals.
- Neutralize free radicals by anti-oxidants.
What are anti-oxidants? Anti-oxidants are a molecule that inhibits oxidation by giving one of their electrons to the free radical molecule. Nature keeps the oxidation process in check this way.
Unrealistically though, experts suggest that it is possible to get enough anti-oxidants in our diet to control the excess free radical activity. But although they may mean well, they are not facing reality, "sticking their heads in the sand", so as to speak. Our bodies need much more help. We are fighting a huge overwhelming battle.
Using anti-oxidants in our skin care products, we can add some extra help to the battle.
Keep in mind though, when you put any product onto your skin, you are actually eating it. Yes, every time you apply a product, some of the active ingredients ultimately make their way into your blood stream. So you are effectively eating them. That is why when you choose a skin care product, before you use it, you need to investigate its ingredients, choosing only ones with ingredients safe enough to eat.
Is the control of free radicals the answer to avoiding premature aging and degenerative disease? Absolutely not! Free radical control is only part of the equation, and that is a subject for another time.
Now that you are armed with this information, what should be your next step? Investigate ways to get anti-oxidants into your daily diet as well as part of your daily skin care routine.