- 1). Wash the stainless steel with warm water and a mild detergent, such as liquid dish soap. If the stains on the metal are caused by grease or dirt, the detergent removes them and helps restore the steel's appearance. Rinse thoroughly to remove any traces of soap once you finish. Use a soft sponge when cleaning to prevent scratching. Rub in the same direction as the finish lines in the metal for best results.
- 2). Buff small scratches with an non-metallic abrasive pad in the direction of any finish lines. This modifies the surface of the metal by making the finish lines longer and covering the scratches in the process. Do this on the entire piece of metal so that it looks uniform or else the area that was scratched will still stand out. Avoid using steel wood or other metal pads since they make the scratching worse.
- 3). Apply a stainless steel polish to a soft cloth and gently rub the polish into any scratches in the metal. Go with the grain if your steel has a visible grain to it. This helps fill in scratches so they are not as noticeable and they can cover small stains as well. Slight scratches or blemishes disappear completely.
- 4). Spray any remaining stains in the metal with white vinegar from a spray bottler and scrub at them with a soft rag. White vinegar is mildly acidic and a very effective cleaning agent that works well on stainless steel. Rinse the metal once you have finished.
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