It is very important to remember to include your rear deltoid exercise along with your usual shoulder exercise routine. This is crucial so that you are able to build a proportionate and solid upper body, but they also play a huge role in the lifting exercises like bench press, and also squats. The general consensus is that there are basically three types of people when training shoulders is concerned.
1. The ones that prefer to train arms, and NOT shoulders.
2. Those who actually train their shoulders without understanding the effects of various angles.
3. Those who do everything the right way.
The difference between the second and third group is simple…..the third group actually performs rear deltoid exercises. This is by far the most neglected region of the shoulder. The rear deltoid muscle is also known as the posterior deltoid, and it is reponsible for increasing the amount of litting power when you are doing bench press, or squats.
Performing three to five sets of exercises for your rear deltoids should be completed as you are performing your shoulder routine, as the muscle group is a rather small one.
Here are Some Rear Deltoid Exercises
The "seated bent over lateral raise" and "bent over lateral raise" are the two most used exercises for these muslces. Having a bench for the seated variety of exercises, is the only variance between these two routines.
The Bent Over Lateral Raises – With your dmbbells in hand, bend over at the waist, keeping your feet shoulder length apart. So that you feel no stress in your lower back, make sure that your knees remain slightly bent. Hold your dumbbells in front of you, making sure that your palms are facing each other, keeping a tight bend to your elbows. Raise your dumbbells in a semi-circular motion, using your upper back. Hold your position for around two seconds, when you have completed each lift. Then repeat
Then Your Bent Over Lateral Raises – Conducting the very same exercise as the previous one, this time you will be seated on a bench with your feet both directly in front of you. There is no reason why you should not be able to use the same weight that you lifted the first time.
Although the rear deltoid exercises are very simple, they are very effective, and everyone should consider them necessary.