I see this happen with my students all the time.
The finally "get it" when it comes to making a woman attracted to them.
They truly understand why nice guys become "just friends" and how to be cocky and arrogant in a way that makes women want them, without seeing insecure or a down right jerk.
It's amazing, because instantly they will be able to walk up to a woman, and usually her phone number if they wish.
They will effortlessly engage a woman in a way that whenever they walk into the room, the woman can't resist approaching and talking to them.
Yet most of them still have trouble taking the attraction to the next level, and taking beautiful women home with them.
Know this: the best way to get a woman's attention when you first approach her is to be both arrogant and funny at the time same time.
It does several things, but mainly it makes her laugh, shows her you're confident and in control, and also makes her intrigued to find out if you are interested in her or are just teasing her.
This is a great place to engage a woman.
However, it is only the first step.
It just gets you a ticket into the game, and passes her "Is this guy a loser?" test.
The trick is what happens after you get her attention.
You must now engage her.
The best way to do this is to capture her imagination, and stimulate her emotions.
This is kind of hard to do if you don't know how to do it.
Once you understand how to use conversational themes, it becomes easy as pie.
Simply approach a woman, get her attention by being cocky and funny, and once you pass her "loser test", introduce certain themes that grab her by the emotions and keep her captivated.
In short, you lead the conversation.
Know this: everybody responds positively to a good leader.
Most people are designed to be followers.
And being a leader doesn't mean teasing her all night.
In order to be a leader when it comes to conversation, you must master the balance of being able to guide while simultaneously gauging her reactions so you know which direction to guide her to.
If you get this balance down perfectly, it is the single most powerful attractive quality you will ever possess.
They say nice guys finish last, and that bad boys get all the girls.
This is a simplified statement to an extremely complex situation.
The truth is neither one of these extremes are true.
Remember the balance? Nice guys focus too much on gauging a woman's reaction, and trying to conform to it.
They do no guiding! Very unattractive.
A jerk on the other hand, focuses too much on leading and guiding, and doesn't even notice how she reacts to him.
While this approach will make your more successful at picking up women, you will also get slapped a lot and take home your far share of women who have a lot of emotional baggage.
You don't want to be either.
You must know how to lead the situation, but do so in a way that will engage her emotionally.
If you find that you are able to get her attention quickly by being cocky and funny, but still have trouble taking it to the next level, this is the area you must work on in order to be successful!
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