ADHD is a disorder where children are very active.
They can also be cranky, have a shorter than normal attention span, and can be very impulsive.
These behaviors sound like an average child right? It is when these behaviors are excessive and interfere with the child's ability to function appropriately at home, playing with friends, or at school.
You can ask your child's teacher and school to perform tests on your child to see where the child's ability academically and behaviorally.
There can be a problem with this.
Let me explain.
The school may be of the opinion that your child is not as serious as you make it out to be and even tell you that the problem is at home.
You will then have to be determined enough and fight to get it done.
You may choose to get the testing and evaluations done privately.
You would then provide the school with the results and it will be determined if and when an IEP will be put in place.
What would happen if the school suggested testing and you refused? Let me tell you right now that you can refuse to have the evaluations done.
The school can get the testing done.
Be warned though that if you don't allow testing or you are not making sure your child gets help you could be charged with educational neglect.
It is important that in any case you work with the school to help your child.
Teachers love parents who cooperate with them.
Good communication is essential for your child's success.
Many parents are reluctant to say the least of allowing their children to be put on medication.
It is right that you are concerned because symptoms of ADHD are treated most commonly treated with stimulant medications that have serious side effects.
Sleeplessness, a reduced appetite, and depression.
It is not known how long term use will affect your child's brain as it continues to develop but children who are these drugs for a long time are more likely to suffer with depression and more likely to have problems with substance abuse as adults.
You can, as many parents have, opt for natural remedies.
They are free from side effects and they work.
They may even be less costly than prescribed medication.
There are herbs, vitamins, and minerals known to ease symptoms of ADHD.
The holistic approach encompasses treating the mental, physical, and emotional aspects of your child.
Supplements, yoga, and a controlled diet can also help to alleviate your child's symptoms of ADHD.
Acupuncture is also an option many parents choose.
Whatever path you choose I am sure it will be the best possible path for your child.