Society & Culture & Entertainment sports & Match

Proper Golf Swings Are Just One Aspect of Winning the Game

Golfers who execute some great golf swings did not inherit the skill but developed it through hard work.
So just copying them will not make you swing like them.
You should also work hard to get the proper golf swing.
The more you strive to imitate the great golfers, the more likely that you will make mistakes.
The morale behind this is that you have to be a self made golfer and not a copycat.
But, you may ask; how am I supposed to learn a game without following the leader? Practice is the answer to your question.
If you are a novice to the sport, learn the golf swing basics by getting professional help.
If this is not sufficient, get an instructional DVD and watch the golf swing instructions.
Your time and your effort are required to get the proper golf swing that you see and what you want.
Of course, you have a job or a business to look after and can't spend time on the game as much as Tiger Woods does.
But for Tiger Woods, golf is his business.
This does not mean that you should chuck your job and try your hand at professional golf.
With the limited practice time at your disposal, you should make the most out of it.
You see lots of people practising at the golf courses.
They hit tens and hundreds of balls but nothing significant occurs.
Why? Because in a real time game, what matters at the end is how you putt the ball into the hole.
What this signifies is that you should spend as much time, if not longer, at honing your short game as you do on your long one.
To do this, there are various drills to help you in practising chipping and pitching.
Since there is always the possibility of the ball landing in a bunker, you have to practice getting out from a bunker as well.
A survey shows that most golfers get to make their shots from a distance of 75 yards or less away from the hole.
As such this aspect also requires practice.
Golf doesn't come easy.
Brush up on your wedge play to help set up an east-birdie.
Strike as many balls as you can from a distance of 40 to 135 yards.
Use a club that is shorter than the one you use for long shots.
The principle is the same.
There are a number of techniques to help you to develop your short game.
Some of them are, to try striking the ball with one hand, hitting it with your eyes closed and setting up a chalk line to see if you are striking to move it in a straight line.
There are also other training aids like golf gloves to make sure that you are adopting the proper method to hold the golf club because this is crucial to the direction of travel of the ball when you hit it.
All said and done, it is the attitude, the professional one that is required and it the one commodity that you cannot purchase at any sporting store.
Another significant factor is confidence.
If you doubt whether the ball will get into the hole, chances are it will not.
Practice, think positive and pray for the best.
That's all you can do when you putt.
Winning in golf depends on the proper golf swing that will take the ball as near to the hole as possible.
Finally, it is your capability to putt that really counts.
So concentrate on your short game also just as you should concentrate on the other aspects of the game.

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