Scientists claim our planet is suffocating under the waste produced worldwide. Not to mention the gases that are discharged from landfill sites that also contributes to the greenhouse effect.
In light of the current climate shifts and the environmental movement of going globally green, more and more corporations are looking for greener ways of managing their waste, operating more efficiently and ultimately making a difference in the world. Businesses are looking for ways of achieving maximum sustainability and reducing the amount of waste to a minimum. This is when a key waste management philosophy comes into play zero to landfill.
Zero To Landfill Is Key In Going Green
The zero waste philosophy is a way of treating the waste according to the Waste Hierarchy structure and utilising the resources of the waste to their maximum; making waste the main resource. With this method the waste is not only reused, recycled and minimised; any future waste is also prevented resulting in a cleaner and more sustainable environment.
More and more companies turn to recycling as part of their corporate and social responsibility policy , but these two approaches of recycling and zero waste to landfill are actually not the same. Therefore, zero waste to landfill should not be confused with recycling which only takes into account the materials which are recyclable; namely glass, plastic and paper while the rest of the waste generally is ignored.
Zero Waste Encompasses The Management Of All Waste
Recycling as part of the zero to landfill philosophy is a small part of the hierarchical pyramid of waste management, and is it not limited to that only. There are other steps involved which are carefully thought through; striving for the maximum effect of ultimately reducing the amount of waste initially produced. Moreover, recycling has a few apparent drawbacks.
For example, companies which produce toxic chemical waste cannot make full use of recycling as we know it, as it is only applicable to a limited amount of different materials. Therefore the zero waste philosophy is the answer, as it is applicable to any company regardless of whatThey may produce. Another advantage of such a philosophy is that it can be implemented at any stage and with any kind of waste. Working in partnership with a professional waste management firm can help your company incorporate the most suitable waste solutions and work towards achieving zero to landfill.
In order to not only preserve our planet but also benefit from more cost effective and efficient operations, it is essential to start thinking green and incorporating zero to landfill practices in your business.
For more information please contact Recycling Services by email [email protected] or call 0870 850 3074
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