Always wanted a patio, but didn't know how to build one? Well, you don't need to worry about that any longer.
You can build a patio for your home without even learning how to build a patio. Amazing huh? Let me tell you how.
At any garden or home improvement store, you will find those 'walkway' stones. They usually come in many different shapes, sizes and colors.
To build a patio using these, and without pouring any cement at all, you just figure out how large you would want your patio. If you want your patio to be 100 square feet, you would purchase one hundred of the 'walkway' squares.
They usually come in one foot squares. This is the easiest way to learn how to build a patio. Then you would dig your ground up and level it.
You can use a rake and a shovel for this. Rake the dirt out evenly and place your stepping stones down one beside the other.
Of course, to make one that is perfectly square, you would place ten rows of ten. You want to fit them as closely together as you can. Then stomp them down a bit into the dirt that you have raked up.
Ensure that all of your stepping stones are even. Then you will shovel your extra dirt on top of the squares. It doesn't matter if there's only a little left.
Spread it out evenly over the squares and sweep it off. This helps fill up any small cracks in the patio squares. Voila! This is one of the easiest ways to learn how to build a patio ever.
There are other ways to build a patio and make it look great you can check them out at for easy instructions and advice.
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