Health & Medical Mental Health

Want Some Spring in Your Step?

Spring is by far my favourite season.
It signifies new beginnings, longer days, green shoots, buds and leaves.
New life is forming everywhere.
I wait for Spring throughout winter.
I feel like I come out hibernation in some ways.
Some of the specialness about Spring relates to both hope and renewal.
I see more people along the beach walking and running, taking up exercise regimes once again.
Activity seems to have kicked up a gear and people recover the missing spring in their step.
Your outer world is physically changing as it prepares for summer - but how is your inner world reacting? This year has been a big year for me - in terms of my thinking patterns changing even further; my dreams getting bigger and negative beliefs diminishing further.
Things around me have shifted once more as I have shifted again.
Life certainly continues to look different to me as I look differently at me.
So, as your world is also your mirror - what are you feeling about yourself (inner world) that is being directly reflected back to your through your current outer world? More often than not, the big reflection phase is often New Year where resolutions and goals are set based on personal review.
But why wait until then? Reflect on the nine months of the year so far and see what can still be changed or reviewed for the last portion of the year.
It's now a perfect time for new beginnings and creation.
Start by simply listing the things that make you happy - things that put the bounce into your step.
How often do you do these things? How many of these things are external? How many internal? I have a client, for example who loves throwing parties and this would be on her list.
But, unfortunately, she only enjoys them when things go perfectly well.
She doesn't accept any hitches.
That reduces the fun and makes the entire experience tougher than it could be.
By attaching happiness to expected outcome the fun disappears and this is no longer an energising habit, but rather a burden.
So - review the list you made above and see how many of the happy-making things on your list are based on expectation or obligation.
Instead consider things that you enjoy - just because of the vitality it offers.
Life isn't always easy, clear or straightforward, but is sure has a way of presenting you with situations to show how you react to experiences.
It's in your changing reactions and increasing resilience that you can understand and appreciate your own sense of self.
Resilience comes with detaching from meaning and outcome.
It comes from a deeper understanding of who you are independent of your labels, your achievements, your status, your relationships and the opinions of others.
The more resilient you are, the higher you'll bounce back from difficulties - and the happier you'll be.
How resilient are you to setbacks? What attachments are too important to you and define who you are? What would happen if you became independent of these? I love Donkey in the Shrek movies as he literally bounds through life and through all his experiences.
The spring in his step comes from merely being alive and enjoying himself.
Life is an adventure to him and he tackles each new thing as it arrives.
His natural exuberance is the spring in his step.
He loves who he is and expresses this consistently and authentically.
During the course of his many adventures he makes friends, finds romance and starts a family.
Many new beginnings all made bravely and happily despite a myriad of challenges, whilst never losing the spring in his step.
How about taking the donkey-approach to life? Do more of what makes you happy, without attachment - and enjoy your life because it will start to feel like eternal Spring.
Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.
~ Doug Larson

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