There is a lot of talk in the online article marketing and authoring community about re-purposing your older work into quality updated online content.
And there is a thirst for quality content that just won't quit, so this poses a time constraint issue for writers and online marketeers.
When the community talks about repurposing pre-written work, they literally mean everything you've ever written, including blog posts, eBooks, website content, company manuals, personal journals, you name it.
Well, I have a new one for you.
Repurposing the Table of Contents of all your eBooks, think about it, they are already laden with key words and they generally contain some 100-250 words.
Here is how you do it.
First, Use the chapter titles as sentences and add one or two sentence to each.
Title this article "Important Considerations for..
" and your article when completed will definitely live up to its title.
The good news is that you do not really have to think much when writing these types of articles from tables of contents, because you are merely describing in further detail what is already there.
Plus, writing an article like this is just like working from a really solid outline, which many top writers do anyway.
I've taking the liberty myself of using this technique and it has pushed me to make table of contents for future eBooks I wish to write, just so I can use them for articles too.
It's amazing what you can do with a little bit of creativity, efficiency and tricks of the trade.
I wanted you to know about this strategy so you can become better at what you do.
Please think on this.
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