Are you tired of being held back by your panic attacks? As a long time sufferer of this terrible disorder I've been in your shoes.
Every day was a struggle trying to perform even the most mundane activities.
After so much time spent on reading all the different resources available online, I've finally found such a simple idea to overcome them I was surprised that I had never even thought of it before.
Panic attacks cause so much strife, but they don't have to.
Every day anxiety is a normal part of life.
There isn't a person out there who doesn't feel stressed from time to time.
But for some, this anxiety can lead to full blown episodes of panic.
Then, there are those of us that have it lead to a disorder.
The initial attack can leave such an impression on us that we begin to fear having more.
There are many causes that lead to the first panic attack, stress, financial worries, death of a loved one, but these aren't what's causing you to have more.
For me, I had an extremely stressful year with five deaths in the family, which was actually the first time I had ever dealt with it.
Then one night while working late on a school project I drank an entire pot of coffee to myself.
The caffeine did a number on my system and I ended up in the ER.
From there..
they just kept happening more and more.
My teen years were wasted, I turned down amazing opportunities and felt defeated.
I couldn't work, barely managed to finish high school, and stopped teaching piano which is something I've always loved to do.
Today I'm in a much, much better place all because of one realization: I was afraid of panic attacks.
Seems way too simple doesn't it? But if you truly stop and think about it, it makes a lot of sense.
Panic attacks cause fear of having more, and because of this we're stuck in a state of anxiousness which just leads to more attacks.
Have you ever tried to give yourself an attack? You can't.
This is because you aren't afraid of it.
Panic feeds off of the very fear we have of it.
If you can take away that fear then you have effectively taken away panic's power over you, and it's this concept that has helped me to overcome my disorder once and for all.
It's easier said than done, believe me, I know, but it is the key step in stopping your attacks.
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