Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Tough Life Questions: The How and the Why

As a Professional Coach, I am frequently asked, "why is this so hard?" Now this question often comes in many different forms, such as "Why is such-and-such at my job so hard?" Or, "Why is addressing this issue with my child, spouse, family so hard?" Or, "Why is it so hard to accept this thing about myself?" Or the REALLY big question..
"Why is life so hard?" The reason it is SO hard, is that it is SO easy to forget you ARE a perfect being; PERFECT, JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.
Now, I know that sounds simplistic, and probably even a little naive and childish.
But that does not discount the truth of the statement.
Page 220 of Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life states this truth more eloquently.
He writes, "There is no growth without change; no change without fear or loss; no loss without pain.
" Everyday of your life, you are on a journey of growth.
You see and hear new things; experience new thoughts and emotions; interact with new and different people - or interact with the same people in new and different ways.
Each day is, in some way, unique.
Unlike all others you have experienced before, and unlike all those you will experience in the days to come.
Your job, your purpose, for that day is to MANIFEST YOUR PERFECTION; to promote and declare who you truly are in each moment of your day.
You are probably asking, "how can I possibly do that?!?" You do that through purposeful living.
You do that by asking the tough questions.
You do that by paying attention to your intentions.
You do that through practice and patience.
Marcus Aurelius, one of the most insightful and perceptive ancient philosophers said, "Our life is what our thoughts make of it.
"This is true.
The circle of creation begins with Belief, for you cannot internalize and own thoughts that do not originate from that which you believe.
The circle then moves to that which you Think.
These are the your opinions, ideas, and concepts that you form about your experience and your reality.
This then becomes the fuel, the fodder, for that which you Speak.
What you speak is your declaration of who you are.
It is your declaration to yourself, your family and friends, your colleagues, and the universe.
What you speak of instigates that which you Do; your physical manifestation of your believe; your life actions.
That which you DO circles back around and either reinforces or forces you to reevaluate that which you Believe.
Therefore, it is important to ask yourself the tough questions.
To ask yourself, "What do I Believe?""What is the obstacle that I am currently faced with?""What am I afraid of?""What am I doing that is not aligned with my core values?" As a Professional Coach, it is my job to ask you these tough questions.
The questions that you most likely do not want to hear, and the questions that you probably do not want to answer.
If you are on a path of purposeful living, then it is YOUR job to as YOURSELF these questions.
You do not ask these questions to make yourself feel small, or incompetent, or unworthy.
You ask yourself these questions to "RE-MIND" yourself of WHO YOU TRULY ARE in relation to all that you are experiencing in that moment; to "RE-MIND" yourself of your core truths and values; to "RE-MIND" yourself that WHATEVER it is that you are experiencing in that moment; the experience is YOUR PERFECT EXPERIENCE FOR YOUR GROWTH IN THAT MOMENT.
The answer to these tough questions lies only in you.
The answer HAVE ALWAYS existed within you, and the answers WILL ALWAYS exist within you.
The answers are simply Who and What you are; and Who and What you can become.
Said differently, these answers are simply your BELIEFS in "ALL-WAYS.
"Your job is to CHOOSE which beliefs you are ready to manifest.
So, I ask you this; what do YOU believe? (c) 2006, Amy M.

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