Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Top six things you need to know about adipex diet pills

If you have been diagnosed with obesity and you are finding it difficult to control your increasing weight, adipex diet pills are for you. You can consult your health care provider for adipex prescription. Adipex is an appetite suppressant drug which assists in effective weight loss by restricting your hunger. However, before you buy et pills, there are certain things that you need to make yourself familiar with. This article deals with the top six things that you need to know about pills.

According to the data from 'Statistics Canada', almost one-quarter of Canadian adults are obese. With the increase in obesity by almost 10 percentage points among men and almost 8 percentage points among women, there has been an increase in the prevalence of obesity among the Canadians for the past 20 years. Obesity has been linked to numerous illnesses including hypertension, diabetes, some forms of cancers as well as cardiovascular diseases. StatsCan has therefore described Obesity as a global epidemic. As we are all aware that obesity is one of the most dangerous ailments, there is an urgent need to cure this disease. Though natural weight loss methods are best ways to lose weight, there are some patients whose body refuses to respond to the natural weight loss methods. Switching over to the appetite suppressants are the best alternatives for such people. You can buy pills which are a perfect weight loss medicine and see how effectively you lose weight. Those of you who are planning to buy pills should have the basic information about the drug. Given below are the top six things that you need to know about pills.

Qualifying factor

Adipex diet pills are not for everyone. It is an appetite suppressant which is generally prescribed to those who suffer from various ailments such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension because of obesity. If your body mass index, which is the measurement of your body fat based on your height and weight is 27 or higher, only then you qualify for an adipex prescription. People with heart diseases should not buy adipex. Those who have the history of addiction to alcohol and drugs should avoid taking adipex. It is not a safe drug for those suffering from overactive thyroid, glaucoma or allergies to stimulants.

Age factor

Adipex comes into the list of controlladipex dietd substance and those below the age of 16 years cannot consume pills.


The dosage of the Adipex diet pills should only be taken as prescribed by your doctor. You should avoid doubling the dosage of the pills as it may result in certain side effects. It is always better to skip the dose in case you missed one, though you should avoid missing any of you dosages.

Possibility of addiction

Adipex diet pills belong to the category of controlled substance as its prolonged use can often lead to addiction. You should also avoid sharing this possibly addictive drug with anyone else. Only those who have been prescribed should buy pills.

Get rid of the left over chemicals

Before you have made up your mind to buy pills and consume them, you must stay away from any medication almost two weeks prior to taking pills. This is because, you have to flush out all the chemicals of other medicines from your blood stream, which usually takes some time.

Side effects

There are certain side effects that are associated with this drug, some of which includes, chest pain, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, hypertension, insomnia, dizziness, constipation and so on. So, in case any of these side effects of pills tends to bother you too much, you should immediately consult your health care provider who will take the required action.

Thus those who wish to get rid of obesity can buy adipex diet pills after consulting their health care provider. This is a short term diet plan which generally does not go beyond three months and it has to be incorporated as a part of diet and exercise program.

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