In the USA the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) enables consumers to apply for a free credit report, no credit card required.
If you see a website which advertises that you can pay a small fee and they will get a credit report for you and help you fix your bad credit history, then this is probably a scam.
To begin with a free report with no credit card required, means just that; you are entitled to three free consumer reports a year without paying a cent, one from each of the credit reporting companies of Equifax, TransUnion and Experian.
They have a central website and a Toll-Free number to call, so you really don't need anyone's services to get a free credit report no credit card involved.
If you need more than one credit report in a twelve month period, from any or all of the three companies, then you will have to pay for it, but get it yourself and save money.
There is no reason to pay someone to do this for you.
You simply go to the central website of the three reporting companies, AnnualCreditRepot.
com and ask for your free report(s) by filling out a form online.
If you have moved in the last two years you may have to inform the company, but you will see the secure padlock symbol in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen (as you do when you are using your email account) and can give out your information.
You may be asked a question which only you will know the answer to such as how much your monthly payments on your mortgage are, or how much you paid for a recent large purchase, so that the company knows that you are not an imposter.
Such questions are for your protection, so don't get upset when you are asked.
If you come across a site which charges for getting you an annual free credit report, and ask for your credit card details, leave the site and report it to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which is the consumer protection agency in the US.
Unfortunately there are some unscrupulous individuals who prey on those with bad credit scores as well as those with excellent ones.
If a site claims to be able to fix a bad credit score, don't be fooled, as only the person who has that score can fix it over time or have the information changed if it is erroneous.
Paying monthly bills on time in full will eventually lead to an improved credit score.
In the meantime remember that a free report with no credit card required means just that.