Most network marketers are never properly trained on how to build a successful home-based business. They are forced to learn techniques from their companies that are very easy and simple for everyone to grasp and understand. They may work for some, but not for the vast majority.
Below is a list 7 techniques taught to new distributors who sign up into a networking marketing business, followed by an explanation as to why each one of them won't grow a business. If you don't want to end up being part of the 95% drop-out rate in network marketing, keep reading!
Failure Technique #1: Hotel meetings
I ca not tell you how many people I have met that quit their home-based businesses because of inviting people they know and people they don't know to opportunity meetings at Hotels and they very seldom show up. It's too difficult to get people in attendance because it's time consuming and expensive, especially with gas prices as high as they are. No matter how many people promise to show up, an extremely small percentage ever will.
Failure Technique #2: Contacting your friends and family.
Companies love teaching you this because if they have 100,000 associates and everyone builds a list, the company will grow. All they need is to have each person convince one person to buy a product. What does this do for your business? Not much. Your friends are not your target market, so you might sign up one or 2 associates and get yourself a $4.76 check, but you won't get rich. The company will, but you won't.
Failure Technique #3: Holding home parties
How many leaders do you know that are making in excess of a quarter million a year because they are holding house parties? This technique will work eventually, but you must be willing to grow your business at a turtle's pace. And how duplicatable is it, really? I certainly wouldn't want strangers (who aren't my target audience) invading my home every night to watch a DVD presentation and eat free samples.
Failure Technique #4: Passing out business cards and company promotional literature
Companies love teaching this because they make money every time you purchase one of their promotional products. Then when you run out, you buy more. Again, for them it's about numbers. If they have a huge distributor base converting at even a rate of 1%, they're still growing...but you aren't. Not to mention the money to fill your gas tank also comes out of your pocket, not theirs.
Failure Technique #5: 3-way calling
This is one of the most counter productive methods to grow a business that exists. One of the biggest things that is critical in growing a business is that you need to position yourself as an expert. Why would you call someone else to help you? That only positions them as the leader, not you. You are the only CEO your business needs. 3-Way calling lets someone else fill that role for you, and as a consequence, your business doesn't grow.
Failure Technique #6: Assuming that the product sells itself
If the product truly sold itself, why would the company need you? They resorted to network marketing as a business model and formed of distribution to get their products in the hands of the masses for a reason. No product sells itself. All products need advertising and promotion. Companies just tell you their products sell themselves because it sounds good. If you sit around and wait for the product to sell itself, nothing will happen.
Failure Technique #7: Fancy websites generate huge incomes
If you think that all you have to do is put up a website, share it with your neighbors (or put it on your business card) and you're well on your way to a nice, sizeable income, think again. There is an art and science to how a site should be constructed, what to have on it and how to get targeted visitors. Your friends won't truly have a need and desire for what you're marketing. Just having a website means absolutely nothing.
I'm not bashing on companies. They have to survive. If they are forced to go out of business, you won't get a check. They have to put the numbers in their favor. If you want the numbers in your favor, however, there are proven ways of making things happen in Network Marketing that are a whole lot easier, cheaper and less time consuming than what you are (probably) being taught.
When things aren't going the way you intended, the solution is not quitting. Your company probably has awesome products and you can help a lot of people with them. You just have to be willing to change your way of thinking. Look for education that teaches proper marketing techniques. This will put the focus on helping you grow a business, and not your company.
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