Superstitions and myths are in our everyday lives and we almost find it familiar, but do you know that there are also superstitions and myths in weddings. These folk laws have been passed down from generation to generation. Some myths hold both positive and negative connotations, but most of them came from events or omens which foretell a couple's good or bad luck.
But do remember that even though we do acknowledge the presence of myths and superstitions in weddings, there is no scientific basis or even proof of the consequences if they do not follow entirely. However, for the sake of tradition and not simply because of whether the result would be good or bad most brides follow these myths without even realizing they are already following tradition.
Here are just some of superstitions and myths you may have already done (if you are already married) or you are about to do (for those who are not yet married:
1.Wearing a white wedding dress. The color white has always been seen as a symbol of purity and virginity of the bride. However, these days, wearing white is common for first time marriages. Superstitions that come with it believed that it can ward off evil spirits that may especially surround the bride during her wedding day.
2. Wearing pearl bridal jewelry . Wearing pearls both have good and bad luck meaning. The negative representation of pearls is that it would bring potential trouble and tears to the marriage. The positive side though is that those tears represent happy tearless wedding and a happy marriage throughout.
3. Seeing the bride before the wedding. They say it will bring bad luck if the groom sees the bride before the wedding takes place. It would bring luck however, if he does not glance at the wedding dress as the bride walks down the aisle. The groom should just concentrate on looking on the bride's face and her bridal jewelry.
4. Going to the church. As the bride heads to church, it is believed that she would be luckier if she could meet a dove, spider, lamb, or a black cat. But it is said that it is unlucky to meet a pig or a funeral processions on the way to the ceremony. It is also believed that the bride would be fortunate to see a policeman, doctor, clergyman, or even a blind man. The groom on the other hand should give the first person he sees with a coin for good luck.
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