Video Transcript
Hi, beauty expert, Dana Waldie here at And today's topic is, how to make lip gloss without Vaseline. So, first we're going to address some of the supplies or ingredients we're going to need. We're going to need a medium size boiling pan, a heat proof container such as this one, this glass Pyrex container. A beeswax candle, some empty containers to put the final product in, which our lip gloss. Some measurement instruments, a spatula, a sharp knife, a butter knife, a pair of scissors. Some coconut oil, some delicious avocado oil, some orange oil for scent and a mineral pigmented blush. The first thing we're going to do, is take our beeswax candle and I have a candle. You can find these at your health food department stores, you can also buy them in blocks. And we're going to chop up just a few small pieces. Some people like to use coconut wax or soy wax, I chose beeswax. It's just easy for me to use and you only need a very small amount. You'll notice, I only cut off few small pieces. O.k., now that we have the water boiling, we're going to take our beeswax chips and we're going to place it in the Pyrex container to melt down. And once you put it in, it's going to be a really quick process. It's only going to take about 60 seconds, so you want to stir it quickly. And as it's melting down, we're going to take a teaspoon of our coconut oil and pour that into the mixture. And what this does, the coconut really adds really moisturizing benefits to the skin, it protects the skin, it moisturizes. Coconut is actually a natural SPF. And then, as it's stirring, we're going to add one-half of a teaspoon of avocado oil. And what this does, is just adds a little bit of extra nourishing and moisturizing benefits. Makes it a little bit more of a silky lip gloss, which I like. And you're going to mix this in. And as you pour each ingredient, make sure you go back and remix it, don't just keep adding stuff. So, it melts down and blends nicely together. And then, lastly we're going to take our mineral blush and we're just going to take a butter knife and scrape some of the pigment in there. And I chose to use a mineral makeup because it's natural, it has titanium and zinc oxide. It's not something that has a lot of harmful chemicals. Especially with lip glosses and lip products that we put on our lips. We're going to end up digesting it. So, keeping it very natural is the best way to go. And then, we're just going to stir that in and it should take about 10, 15 more seconds, blend it nicely. So, we're now going to reduce the heat. O.k., so, we've taken our dish out of the pan. And last thing that we're going to do, last but not least, we're going to take about a drop or two of the orange oil. And we're just going to drop it into the mixture to give it a nice scent. We're going to mix it up quickly before it hardens. And then, we're going to put it in our empty container. And you're just going to easily pour it right inside. And there we have it, some lip gloss without Vaseline. And I have a finished product here that I allowed to cool as we were working on ours. You'll see how nice and nourishing it is. Voila, we have some lip gloss without Vaseline. I'm Dana Waldie and we'll see you next time.