Numerous thoughts plague a person's mind when he is diagnosed with diabetes and he may have many queries regarding the disorder.
The best source of information is your doctor.
The American Diabetes Association and American Medical Association too are reliable places to go to in search of information on diabetes.
They may also refer you to appropriate medical professionals.
Different types of information that you may need: Diabetes occurs when the body does not produce insulin or cannot make use of the insulin present in the body.
In order to transform sugar into energy, insulin is required.
You will need information related to the dose and method of insulinintake which will depend on your individual requirement.
Though the exact cause of diabetes is unclear, the symptoms for the two types of diabetes are about the same.
Type1 diabetes occurs when the body does not produce insulin while type2 diabetes results when insulin is produced but not properly utilized.
Most information available is in relation to type2 diabetes as it is more common.
Information on emergency diabetic conditions is crucial.
Hypoglycaemia or extremely low blood sugar levels, if left untreated could lead to unconsciousness or even coma.
It is important for a diabetic as well as his family and friends to know what to do in such an emergency.
The blood sugar level needs to be closely monitored throughout the day.
Knowledge regarding when the level may be slightly elevated (like after a meal) is necessary so that if the blood sugar level drops in such a case, proper measures may be taken.
It is always advisable to maintain a medical record of your condition so that proper treatment may be administered in situations of emergency.
Not all medicines are compatible with each other, so knowing the history of a person helps in treatment of other diseases as well.
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