The natal Pluto -- that, as we have seen, symbolizes your own native
capacity to probe into yourself and heal yourself. It always deals
with the hurts associated with the humiliations and defeats that
life has offered us, and the process of going beyond them.
Your Seventh House occupied our thoughts earlier in these pages; now
we see it triggered again, suggesting that at the center of the
circumstances we're considering there exists a fundamental
inter-dependency: what you must do, you cannot do alone. A pair of
ideas figure here: The first is that by emphasizing the spirit of
Pluto in your closest relationships, you improve them. The second is
that your natural partners are themselves people of the nature of
Pluto, and that should help you recognize them.
When Jupiter gets hooked up with Pluto, think big and claim a
victory. One is available, if you move decisively and know exactly
what you really want. And therein lies the rub. All of us experience
humiliating losses, insults, and defeats in the course of life. As
you adapt to living with them, an attitude of disempowerment or
futility can creep in. Conquering that mind-set is the real aim
here. The truth is that psychologically you need a triumph now --
and synchronistically, the universe is ready to cooperate.
The two factors, as we mentioned, are linked by a trine --
traditionally seen as a "good" aspect, but more accurately seen as
simply enhancing or supportive. Generally speaking, with trines
there is an opportunity...but to seize it, you must supply the
Jupiter figured earlier in this analysis. Now we meet it again. As
you may recall, this is the planet of possibilities and the seizing
of opportunities. Jupiter currently opposes your natal Neptune. The
action peaks July 31, 2011.
Let's first understand that the action is in the Second House, for
that's where Jupiter is currently located in your chart. We've met
this house before. As you may recall, it has to do with
self-confidence, especially when that confidence is rooted in your
personal resources -- and that means more than just money. The time
has come to act in the spirit of Jupiter, as we just described it,
and to claim the skills and material you need. But what's the point?
What are the real questions? The answer lies with Neptune, which is
being invited into development during this time of solidification
and consolidation in your life.
The natal Neptune -- that, as we have seen, symbolizes pure
consciousness. It is the mystical planet, the part of your being
that receives inspiration and, depending on your metaphysical
tastes, either inner guidance or divine direction.
Your Eighth House engaged us previously in the report. Now we see it
provoked again, indicating that your attitude toward the
circumstances we're considering reflects a fundamental distortion.
It has to do with your own psychological scar-tissue, and it biases
your thinking in the direction of Neptune, as we just described it.
Follow your moods down into the labyrinths of your psyche; pay
attention to your dreams, your fantasies, and your unspoken hungers.
And speak nakedly and truly with someone of the nature of Neptune,
who will help you clarify your own real needs.
When Jupiter consorts with Neptune, there's a cliche that should
never be too far from your mind: all that glitters is not gold.
Don't be tempted by "extraordinary possibilities" now, at least not
without a careful look at the fine print, a consultation with a
sober friend, and a painstaking effort to consider worst-case
scenarios. What is really going on here is that a bright new vision
is slowly forming inside you. It's real -- or more accurately, it's
going to be real. Don't mistake its glowing emotional aura for
something that is actually, physically, available in the present
The two factors, as we mentioned, are linked by an opposition, which
suggests some kind of tension or tug-of-war between them. You are
asked to adjust your position, to adapt to the demands of the world
around you, and to find a middle-ground between the various opposing
needs and values.
Neptune played a part earlier in this report, but it has another
trick or two up its sleeve. You may remember that this planet refers
to letting down barriers and allowing the creative unconscious to
speak. When handled well, it triggers a "seed time" in which new
inspirations arise. If handled poorly, one tends to go off
half-cocked while enamored of unrealistic ideas. So sit tight, enter
trance, pay attention to your dreams and, if you're so inclined,
pray or meditate. Neptune currently sextiles your natal Moon. The
inner opening process peaks September 11, 2011.
Let's first understand that the action is in the First House, for
that's where Neptune is currently located in your chart. We've met
this house before. As you may remember, it has to do with the
assertive choices you make and the confidence with which you present
yourself. Something is now occurring in which your own action -- or
inaction -- is the pivotal variable. But what's the point? What are
the real questions? The answer lies with the Moon, which is being
invited into development during this new beginning in your life.
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