Health & Medical Yoga

How to Do Meditation - In One Day

How To Do Meditation - Meditation is harder than many people realize What seems like sitting quietly is actually a mentally rigorous activity, one that many people struggle with over a period of weeks and even years in some cases.
As you develop your practice, you will find that you do better and get more benefits from it, but for most people, learning how to do meditation in one day is their first meditation goal.
If you are a beginner, there are a few ways to ease into doing meditation.
There are guided meditation programs available from a variety of sources and providers that can help you meditate.
These programs guide your thoughts to promote a variety of effects.
Although the most common goal is relaxation, there are meditations designed to help build discipline and willpower as well.
Building up to a long meditation period is the easiest way to do meditation.
This lacks the immediate punch of all-day practices, but is easier and is a good fallback for people who fail at their initial attempt to learn how to do meditation in one day.
This is done by starting with very brief meditation periods, as short as one minute, and then extending those periods over time.
Make sure you are comfortable before starting.
When you're meditating, you'll be looking for a reason to shift your focus.
You can avoid setting yourself up for failure by making sure that you are not in a position that will lead to cramping or discomfort.
Find a comfortable seat and choose a position that you can hold for a long period of time.
Eliminate all distractions.
The last thing you want when you are meditating is to start to get into the groove of the meditation session and then have your phone ring and break the momentum.
One way to handle this situation is to turn off your phone or put it on silent so you can be sure you won't be distracted during your meditation.
Wear comfortable clothing.
You may think your clothing is comfortable, but if you have a tight waistband on your pants, you'll discover it when you are in a meditation session.
Avoid those issues by making sure that all your clothing is loose and comfortable and not going to hurt or annoy you as you meditate.
Practice guided breathing.
This is one of the easiest meditation techniques out there.
To do this, you consciously pick a breathing pattern and maintain it.
For example, you may count to four as you breathe in and then count to five as you breathe out.
This clears your mind and lowers your heart rate.
Consider repeating a simple mantra.
Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hahn suggests simple phrases that can be chanted while breathing.
For example, if you are in pain he recommends trying saying as you breathe in, "I acknowledge my pain," and as you breathe out, "I smile at my pain.
" This allows you to acknowledge discomfort in your body or spirit while keeping focus.
Another method is to focus your attention on a specific thing.
For example, a beginning meditation practice involves focusing your attention on a specific body part, like your right thumb.
Any time you find your attention wandering you can bring you attention back to your right thumb.
Your mind will wander, but don't worry because that happens to everyone.
Even long time and experienced meditators have moments of distraction, because having a clear mind is an incredibly difficult feat.
All anyone can do is to let the thoughts drift away and regain your mental focus.
As you grow into your practice, you will find that maintaining focus becomes easier.
Meditation, like many things, grows easier with time.
Don't let this stop you from learning how to do meditation in one day, because although you may be a beginner now, you will grow in ability and focus over time.
Meditation has many proven benefits.
People who regularly meditate have lower blood pressures and heart rates than their non-meditating friends, and suffer less anxiety and meditation.
Although these benefits become stronger over time, each time you meditate you gain some physical benefits as well as the mental benefits of meditation.
Meditating alone is common, but many cities have meditation groups you can join.
If you want to learn how to meditate in one day, a meditation group can help you by providing valuable support to encourage you to continue in your meditation practice and help you find the tools that keep you focused.
Your meditation practice can lead to epiphanies in your personal life.
By clearing your mind and experiencing silence and stillness, you can disconnect from the surface noise of the world around you.
When you listen to yourself and really experience your mental and emotional state, you can discover things about yourself and your life that were hidden by the background noise of your life.
These tips should help you learn how to do meditation in one day.
When you focus in on your meditation practice and experience the peace and stillness that comes from meditation, you will find that you are a calmer, happier person.
You will have increased health, and you will see innumerable benefits in every area of your life.
Find a quiet place, settle yourself into a comfortable place and position, make sure you are wearing comfortable clothes, eliminate outside distractions and work on clearing your mind.

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