It has become quite common for people to research building their own portable solar power generators rather than purchasing retail. It isn't that hard to do and the retail price for solar systems are rather high. With a little know how and elbow grease anyone can learn to make their own portable solar power generators.
Renewable energy is something that is becoming very popular due to rising electrical costs. By generating power with portable solar power generators, not only does it allow you the freedom to get electricity anywhere, but it helps our environment.
When you build your own portable solar power generators, you have control of exactly how much power you want to generate. You determine how big your panel will be and how you are going to store your power.
Another advantage of learning to build your own solar system is that you can always add to it later if you decide you want more power. Simply build another solar panel and battery then add it to your system.
Here's how portable solar power generators work, basically.
1. You build a solar panel and put it somewhere it can get some nice sunlight.
2. Channel the energy produced by the panel through a charge controller.
3. From the charge controller the energy is stored in a deep cycle battery (eg. marine battery).
4. The energy in the marine battery is put through an inverter to convert it from Direct Current (DC) to Alternating Current (AC).
5. You plug your coffee maker into the inverter and brew up a nice hot cup of joe.
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