Adoption from China started after the Chinese government passed one child policy in the year 1992. According to the statistics, more than 5 thousand Chinese children were adopted by the American families, which is the largest number noticed from all over the world. 11 months is the average age for children, who are being adopted from China.
Out of total number of adoptions, more than 90% are girls. This fact has been proved by a note found with a child adopted from China that said, In our countryside, the thought that man is more important than woman is very popular. I don't have the strength to overthrow it."
Adoption is a sensitive issue all over the world and it becomes a matter of special concern in case of China adoption. The one child policy is strictly followed in urban areas. The parents without any siblings and the ethnic communities are the exceptions to the policy. Adoption from domestic families is discouraged through this policy itself. Hence, adoption from china has become immensely popular amongst families from all across the world, especially America.
US-based families are getting special help for China adoption through various organizations. Chinese government is keen to help the families looking for adoption. New families are encouraged and trained to take care of the children being abandoned, put for adoption or orphaned.
Holt international is one of the organizations, working for the same purpose. Holts waiting child program enables parents to work with the kids of special needs and adopt them when they both are ready for the same. Visit and find all the information on China adoption.
Holt international takes care of every aspect involved in Adoption from China and makes it an enriching experience for parents as well as the kids. Adopt from China has now become much easier, thanks to the open government policies that encourage adoption.
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