Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Plantar Fasciitis Exercises

Plantar Fasciitisisan inflammation of the fascia on the bottom of the foot.
It is manifested as excruciating pain in the heel,especially in the morning.
It is found usually in athletes and women above 40.
It iscaused by stress placed on the plantar fascia ligamentwhen it is stretched irregularly.
This causes small tears and inflammation.
To relieve heel pain, a person needs to ensure that he has enough of rest, avoid activities that aggravate heel pain, use comfortable shoe inserts and take pain relievers.
Apart from this, exercises for plantar fasciitis may be especially helpful in reducing pain.
Exercises are to be done during the early part of the day.
Belt stretch exercises involve reverse stretching the arch of the foot by using a wide belt placed over the ball of the foot.
With the knee straight, the ankle must be pulled back using the belt and the muscle on the front of leg.
Incline Board Stretches involve heel raises done by kneeling into the wall with hips and legs in a straight line.
This is to be repeated for a ten-minute duration.
A Roll Massage involves the use of a tubular device that is rolled over the heels.
Pressure must be applied until a slight discomfort is felt in the affected area.
Stretching and strengthening exercises make the ligaments more flexible and can strengthen muscles that support the arch.
Thisreduces the stress on the ligament.
Stretching exercises for plantar fasciitis are also recommended.
It requires holding onto a countertop or table and squatting down slowly with the knees bent.
While squatting, heels of both feet must be kept in contact with the floor.
In most cases, plantar fasciitis does not require surgery to stop pain and reverse injury.
Conventional treatments, which include resting, icing and other home remedies and exercises under a professional are mandatory.
However, every person's body is different and the type of treatment and recovery time varies.

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