If you have a new puppy, you don't need to be told how important it is to house train your puppy.
While the awesome, excited feeling of having a new addition to your family is great, the reality that you're looking at a huge responsibility soon sets in, and you may run into some trouble house breaking your dog.
If this sounds like you, don't worry.
There are a few mistakes that will absolutely ruin your chances of quickly house training your dog, and if you know what they are so you can avoid them, you'll see success before you even know it.
There are a lot of old myths out there that make house training sound like it is a brute force, purely physical activity.
This couldn't be further from the truth, and in fact, if you use some of the more negative ways to train your dog, you'll see that your results will greatly suffer.
First, yelling is out of the question.
Shouting at a dog will only make matters worse, and will completely destroy the trust and love that the dog has (or used to have) for you.
Dogs can hear you from miles away, so the idea that you have to yell to get your point across just doesn't make sense.
Second, if you are inconsistent with your potty training efforts, you'll find that the puppy will go anytime, and anywhere they feel like it, no matter what you have to say about it.
House training is an unnatural act for a dog, so you must be consistent so they know exactly what to expect.
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