USING THE POWER OF A - B - CPRIORITIZING We often hear people say that they "simply do not have enough time," but we often find out that the reason that they have problems managing their time is because they have no system in place to help them prioritize their activities nor simplify their tasks.
The ABC system is for those people AA, B,C folders can be color coded and used to help you prioritize quickly and for visual impact.
BBlock out one to two hours of uninterrupted time and increase your productivity CCode those files by year so that you can toss them after the year noted.
Purging goes must faster that way.
DDo it now! Procrastination not only delays action, it also contributes to stress.
EEach time you handle a piece of paper, do something with it.
Every time you touch it, you have used up more time.
FFocus on one project at a time.
GGain time by using flex time scheduling HHave a set follow-up system.
IIdentify those tasks that you tend to put off and do them when you have high.
JJob log at least once every six months and analyze the work flow and related time expenditures.
KKeep a daily four-level "to do" list.
LLearn to say "no" appropriately.
MManaging by crises should be avoided since you lose true control over the situation or process.
NNote the other person's learning language and bridge to it.
OOrganize your work area to make it easy to find things quickly - keep it that way! PPlan the next day's calendar during the last fifteen minutes of each day.
QQuit using the double triangle approach to phone calls.
RReward colleagues who go out of their way to help you when you really need it.
SSet deadlines and stick to them.
TTelephone whenever possible - but when you do, set up a phone appointment.
UUse illustrations and graphic descriptions with those who are right hemisphere dominant.
VVisualize and remember "that whatever your mind can conceive, your mind can help you achieve.
" WWork to eliminate overlaps and related time problems.
XExtra time can be gained through "double timing.
" YYou should identify the problem you can't solve, identify three possible solutions, then get input..
ZZero time wasted should be your goal.
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