Healthy teeth are essential for maintaining a healthy body.
The role of the dentist is crucial in maintaining complete oral health.
For this reason, it is advisable to visit the dentist often for regular checkup and cleaning procedures.
Apart from diagnosing, treating and preventing various dental diseases, the dentist is also a reliable source of information about various dental procedures and products.
If you want to know more on any dentistry related topic, you can contact your dentist directly and get your doubts clarified.
The importance of maintaining proper oral hygiene was recognized millennia ago.
Even in ancient civilizations, dentistry was a separate specialized field.
Excavations from ancient civilizations such as the Indus Valley civilization, Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece indicate that dentistry had been prevalent even in those years.
Modern dentistry is a relatively new field.
Its development came about as a result of advances in other fields such as medicine, diagnostics, pharmacy, biomedical engineering and recently the field of computers.
Dentistry is now an advanced field which plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the modern society.
Dentists perform a number of procedures aimed at diagnosing, treating and preventing the various diseases and conditions that affect the teeth, jaw and mouth.
They also perform specialized procedures aimed at improving the appearance of the face.
Here are some of the common procedures that dentists perform: Cleaning: Cleaning procedures are performed to ensure that no food particles are stuck in the gaps between the teeth.
When we eat food, food particles get trapped in the gaps of the teeth.
These act as a breeding ground for bacteria.
Bacteria grow and secrete harmful acids destroy the layers of the teeth and form cavities.
Dental cavities can be very painful and have to be treated immediately before total loss of teeth takes place.
Cleaning procedures should be performed regularly, at least once in every few months.
Dental fillings: Dental fillings are a treatment option for dental caries.
In dental fillings, metals such as gold, silver and amalgam are used.
Dental fillings not only prevent pain, but also restore the normal functioning of the teeth.
Dentists also perform other specialized procedures such as dental veneers, implants, braces, etc.
However these procedures are not performed by general dentists.
These procedures have performed by specialists.
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