Each year motorists hit deer that fall victim during their migration crossings over America's highways and thus it makes sense to allow the animals to be more predictable to motorists.
We need some way to guide them to special road crossing areas made for their safety.
Animals often cross where new suburb housing tracts have been built and then have to go around these new areas and find a better route, thus the deer and migratory herds end up in unsafe and unknown areas.
Their crossings are dangerous to auto traffic and many animals are killed and flattened each year.
Mankind is clearly impeding on the natural land and areas where the large herds roam.
Chronic wasting disease is very serious if it injures the human food chain and keeping large animal migrations away from cities and rural populated areas will save lives and prevent chronic wasting disease from entering our own food chain and livestock.
But how can we prevent all this from happening? Well, I propose we use a Shadow Creation Device to steer these large Animal Migrations herds and keep them focused on a safe route so they do not get entangled in human civilizations or cross roadways where they might meet motorists by accident.
Insurance companies pay out millions each year in damage claims and medical expenses due to injury - the animals pay with their lives.
The shadow creation device will spook the animals into a safer path that will protect them and us and everyone will win.
It is the least we can do to remain in harmony with nature.
Please consider this.