I have always considered dark circles under eyes as the effects of sleep deprivation.
But although I have managed to catch up on my sleep, the traces of dark under eye circles are still very evident.
Clearly, this is more than just sleep deprivation problem.
Do you know the real cause of dark circles under eyes? This is actually caused by the leaking of red blood cells in the veins.
Underneath our peepers, there are tiny veins that work in transporting blood.
Because of poor circulation, some of those cells leak to the surface layers of the skin.
Since the skin around our eyes is normally thinner and more translucent, the leaking red cells are very obvious in the form of dark circles.
Experts advised the following treatments to alleviate this problem: 1.
The Vitamin C Method According to medical experts and Ancient Chinese medicine practitioners, Vitamin C can help control any form of skin pigmentation.
This can also help improve blood circulation and prevent thinning of skin layers.
This can even improve the vibrancy of your skin tone as well.
When your skin tone is pale and lifeless, leaking cells become more obvious.
There are numerous Vitamin C supplements today.
You can try rosehip supplements.
According to experts, this contains more Vitamin C than regular Vitamin C capsules.
Moreover, your body is also more capable of absorbing this vitamin.
Improve Circulation Good circulation is vital in the prevention of numerous skin problems.
Most of us stay in front of the computer all day long.
Radiation coupled with eye strain can hamper the good flow of blood in the veins.
You should boost circulation by applying hot compress over your eyes.
Purchase a gel pad and soak the gel pad in warm water.
Once the gel has warmed up, place the eye pad over your peepers and relax.
Massage Eye Cream Choose an eye cream that can help get rid of the problem.
Look for a product that contains the ingredients Eyeliss, Haloxyl and Phytessence Wakame.
Eyeliss is an ingredient that contains natural peptides.
Peptides plump up skin cells to boost circulation.
It also promotes better growth of collagen and elastin.
Haloxyl can lessen the haemoglobin content of red blood cells that will leak on the surface layers of your skin.
This will get rid of the root cause of the problem.
Phytessence Wakame is a sea kelp that can preserve hyaluronic acid.
This acid can make your skin look dewy and moisturized.
Massage this cream using your lightest fingers.
Boost circulation by apply it using circular motion.
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